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Recent Blogs Posts

  1. Ah this blog thing

    Never done a blog before. Writing it as I try to throw paper planes out the window. Seem to just keep hitting the fan :-(

    Is there any point in writing one? Prob Not. Will I keep it up? Probley not. Will it be filled with spelling mistakes? Probley.

    So what do people write about in their blogs? Should it be [SIZE=1](mildly entertaining)[/SIZE] or just full of random cack?

    Listening to Ivor Biggun song "Dorethy please trim your minge" Contains ...

    Updated 20th-August-2008 at 07:16 PM by Lee Bartholomew

    Tags: drivel, ramblings
  2. Fence

    An Ex-Bramble
    Creosote Substitute That Doesn't Smell as Good
    New Freckles
  3. Dance venue reviews

    This weeks' dancing:

    Wednesday 22nd August, Oakwood salsa, at [URL=""]Trent Park[/URL]. Great advanced class with David (good name ::)) - a few too many moves, but he's great at spotting technique flaws and correcting them quickly. The music was a bit too R-and-B-style for me, but there were lots of good dancers there.

    Sunday 26th August, Southgate salsa, at the [URL=""]Southgate ...
  4. A new Blog facility

    As of today, Silver Members have the option to create a blog within the Forum. This would allow you to share your life, discuss your dancing experience in a blog format.
    I'll start a separate thread to answer questions and discuss blogs in general.
    General Stuff