Wow! and Thank you!

The above sums up my feelings towards the week-end.

I felt very lucky, humbled and privileged by everyone who attended, so thank you for your kind words, enthusiasm, passion and the many dances.
Once I had got over the initial stress and rushing around making sure everything was running smoothly, I was able to enjoy every minute of the event. Every dance, every class I taught, every class I attended (and the many more I wished I could have joined in). The tea-dances, the socializing, the music, in all the rooms.
I have never been so proud of my team (teachers, DJs, managers), all the dancers from Scotland and all the lovely forumites and visitors.

I wish I had the time and energy to list all the highlights but I would be bound to forget some...

I have taken on board some of the comments and have decided to improve the format for the BFG 2006!

First of all, the biggest complaint was the weather, it rained! So next year, the BFG will be on the 12th/13th/14th May. This is the best time to visit Scotland, and while I can't guarantee good weather, I'm confident Scotland will be at its most beautiful and sunny!

I will make small changes to the timetable to include a clearer lunch break and if anyone has any other suggestions / improvements, post them here or drop me a PM / email.

The BFG is just an event, and I'm glad everything went smoothly, but what truly made it work, was the variety and friendliness of people who attended.