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Thread: The road to Ceroc.

  1. #101
    Registered User Lynn's Avatar
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    Re: Re: Re: Re: Still learning

    Originally posted by Rougeforever
    I've pretty much got most of the beginner moves, and am really trying to focus on my technique - but am struggling with too many things.
    I got to this point at about 4 months - then spent the next couple of months feeling like I was making no progress and getting frustrated. But I just went on a Weekender and it has made a big difference to me - boosted my skills & my confidence.

  2. #102
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    I started to dance just over two years ago now. Usual story I suppose, finished with a chap and was looking to do something else in the evening. Started off at a Salsa class, but after three lessons, began to get bored by the beat - a friend mentioned Le Roc in Bristol and I went along. I was awful - lots of hip wiggling, but not a lot else! A guy asked me to dance in the freestyle and I told him it was my first lesson - was he understanding? Not a bit, kept telling me off - I was doing this wrong and that wrong. Bloomin' cheek - he was wearing lime green velvet trousers - at least I had better dress sense!

    Anyway, was tempted back after a few months and managed to quell the wiggle (a little bit anyway!). Got the dance bug well and truely and found a really loving partner on the way (ahhh!). Became tempted to get into competitions and came up to London to Hipsters, to find out what was missing from my repotoire and then managed a few lessons with Amir.........

    Still learning..........


  3. #103
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    I agree with others about earlier Lily's post - I came away from Hipsters last night feeling quite tearful - unusual for me as I will ask men (even women if they can dance as a man!) to dance. But I was refused by one chap and had been refused at an earlier dance by another, so felt a bit deflated. Watching the Ladies target the men was rather like watching the start of the Le Mans 24 hour race!

    Simon on the other hand was being asked to dance by lots of the Ladies and obviously obliged. I suppose that having made the effort to get up from Bristol and having looked forward to it for three weeks, I probably took it to heart a bit more than I should have!

    Never mind, another day, another dance!


  4. #104
    Registered User Gareth's Avatar
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    Never mind Elaine

    I will always ask you to dance.


    It was the guys loss not yours

    They will never know how good an opportunity they missed

  5. #105
    The Perfect Woman!
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    Originally posted by ElaineB
    I agree with others about earlier Lily's post - I came away from Hipsters last night feeling quite tearful - unusual for me as I will ask men (even women if they can dance as a man!) to dance. But I was refused by one chap and had been refused at an earlier dance by another, so felt a bit deflated. Watching the Ladies target the men was rather like watching the start of the Le Mans 24 hour race!

    Simon on the other hand was being asked to dance by lots of the Ladies and obviously obliged. I suppose that having made the effort to get up from Bristol and having looked forward to it for three weeks, I probably took it to heart a bit more than I should have!

    Never mind, another day, another dance!

    Its strange how it goes isn't it. What you describe is how I've always found Hipsters to be on a Tuesday. I go because the standard of dancing is higher than at my regular venue, but I also go knowing I won't have as good a time...

    However tuesday this week was fab ! I actually got asked to dance as many times as I asked (unheard of at Hipsters for me !), lots of room and too many men over in the class... Why ? Alot of the regulars weren't there , was there something going on I didn't know about ? Who knows... All I know is I got to dance more and actually enjoyed the venue and the music as it shoud be enjoyed....

    So I completely empathise, but wonder why its all changed ? Perhaps it was this week only ?


  6. #106
    Taxi Dancer
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    Lightbulb Re: How did you get started ?

    My cousin Joanne and I have started going to a few different classes of varying styles of dance over the past few years but with shifts at work and other commitments we never managed to stay at any of them for very long and didnt really master any of them. I always ended up dancing as the man too which I didnt really want to do.

    Then our friend Shug told us about the new class in Ceroc at Jumpin Jaks he had been to with his girlfriend Kathy and suggested we go along and try it out.

    That was about 4 months ago now...we all love it and go every week and even better..........I get to dance as a lady too!

  7. #107
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    Re: How did you get started ?

    I have always wanted to dance after watching the old Fred and Ginger films with my Nan years ago (she actually saw Fred Astaire with his sister Adele on the London stage in the 20s/30s - lucky thing!). My cousins used to do tap as as Fred Astaire is really a tap dancer I tried that for a while. I hated tap, and what I realised years later was that I wanted to dance with other people.

    I started Ceroc after going to a friend's wedding with my sister Ann. At the reception my friend had a a disco like people usually do and there were two girls dancing together which to me looked fantastic! This was what I'd wanted to be able to do! My sister and I got chatting to the girls after they finished dancing and they said they did Ceroc. Ann found out when we got home that a friend of hers danced in Letchworth so she started going there, but I live in Peterborough so this wouldn't have been very practical for me. Anyway, I also found out that one of the girls I knew from work used to go to Ceroc here - although she wasn't currently dancing as she'd got back problems, so I got the details from her. I spent about a month trying to persuade pretty much everyone I know to come with me, but to no avail, but I still really wanted to go. In the end I made my mind up and went on my own!!

    It was a bit scary the first night, but the taxi dancers were brilliant - especially considering I had two left feet, both of which were stuck to the floor as I was really wearing quite innapropriate shoes! I knew I was awful but I absolutely loved it and came back the following week. After about three weeks people came to know me and I felt a lot more comfortable. After about 9 months I became a taxi dancer and also learned to lead (so I could dance with my sister at weddings etc), which I really enjoy the challenge of now - good thing too there's nearly always too many ladies at Peterborough!

    Sorry this has turned into an epic!!!


  8. #108
    Senior Member Minnie M's Avatar
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    Re: How did you get started ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Trish
    I have always wanted to dance after watching the old Fred and Ginger............
    Did anyone see James & Bridget Hamilton doing their Fred & Ginger dance at one of the weekenders a few years ago - it was jaw dropping and enchanting AND Bridget was about 8months pregnant at the time too

    So many of our MJ dancers have hidden talents (yes J & B were MJ at the time) and what about Linda & MIke Ellard, their latin dancing is amazing - was really disappointed they didn't do a 'cha cha' demo at MJC

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  9. #109
    Registered User naughty_scotty84's Avatar
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    Re: The road to Ceroc.

    I started Ceroc mainly because I've never known how to dance. I had seen loads of different dance types for learning at Dundee College and was thinking about trying them out, but I was nervous that they'd be too difficult. Also couldn't find anyone to go with and thought that I'd have to have a partner to go with. Then out of the blue one of my friends said that he was going to Ceroc with people from his work and asked if I fancied it. Of course my reply was "CEROC???? What the **** is that" When he explained it was dance I was keen to go, but wow was I shaking sitting at that table before it started. But now here I am 6 weeks in and I know 8-10 dance moves and am getting more confident about dancing by the day, so bring it on

  10. #110
    Ceroc N.I. Franchise Owner drathzel's Avatar
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    Re: How did you get started ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Minnie M
    Bridget was about 8months pregnant at the time too


    I was discussing this the other night! I was saying that you would probably need to give it up how could you dance with a big belly bump! But aparently a lot of women continue when they are carrying a bump!

  11. #111
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    Re: How did you get started ?

    Just ask Lorna; I'm sure that she was out dancing the night before she droped the sprog {<- appologies for the crude language, but it's the most descriptive term I've found... unless it comes out the sunroof }

  12. #112
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    Re: How did you get started ?

    Quote Originally Posted by drathzel
    I was discussing this the other night! I was saying that you would probably need to give it up how could you dance with a big belly bump! But aparently a lot of women continue when they are carrying a bump!
    My sister continued to dance until she was about 8 months pregnant. I remember seeing her at a dance just before she decided to give it up for the duration, Paul, a friend of ours asked her if she was happy to do " a little dip" and as she agreed promptly dropped her right the way to the floor, and then picked her up again, no mean task when she weighed about 13 stone! (she'd admit that herself, so I'm not telling any secrets!) She only gave up because it gave her pains in her hips, I think otherwise she'd have carried on.

    My cousin who is a dance teacher carried on until two weeks before, her bump was so small up until the last minute that loads of people didn't even know she was pregnant! She is mega fit though, and was always extremely thin and toned.

    I think this dancing is just too addictive, a friend of mine is still going (in a cast) at the moment despite falling awkwardly and breaking her arm!!!
    Last edited by Trish; 17th-September-2004 at 11:30 AM.

  13. #113
    Ceroc N.I. Franchise Owner drathzel's Avatar
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    Re: How did you get started ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Gadget
    Just ask Lorna; I'm sure that she was out dancing the night before she droped the sprog {<- appologies for the crude language, but it's the most descriptive term I've found... unless it comes out the sunroof }
    Quote Originally Posted by Trish
    I think this dancing is just too addictive, a friend of mine is still going (in a cast) at the moment despite falling awkwardly and breaking her arm!!!
    Its hard enough as it is without having a baby to lug around the dance floor too, is it not! But your right it is addictive!

    The term imho wasn't crude. My sis uses it all the time. However she has not had a baby and does not want one EVER!

  14. #114
    Registered User Bangers & Mash's Avatar
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    Re: The road to Ceroc.

    I first got into ceroc about 15 years ago in Windsor, Reading and Hammersmith but this was at the time when the tv was doing documentaries on "ceroc snobs" and certainly I always felt as if I was on the outside looking in.

    I was bullied into attending my first even ceroc class by my friend's sister and, despite the snobs, I really enjoyed the dancing - although I only stuck around for the classes and never managed the freestyle.

    After 6 months I moved and spent most of my time over the next 15 years living in areas of the country where ceroc just didn't happen. I always remembered a couple of simple moves though and liked to "have a go" if the music seemed right and there were victims around to dance with.

    One of my favourite memories is dancing in a club in California where I pulled a few ceroc dance moves out of the air. I found myself dancing on my own with 6 gorgeous american girls whilst my friends sat and drank and watched. They all booked dance lessons when we returned to England

    In March of this year I moved to Edinburgh and a friend here re-introduced me to ceroc. What a great experience. The classes were good, the people were really friendly, the enthusiasm was incredible and I quickly found myself getting to meet lots of really interesting and friendly people. Furthermore, it seems that ceroc snobbery either never happened in scotland or is a thing of the past. I've only been knocked back for a dance once in the last 5 months - and after 2 months she came and grabbed me for a dance

    Since March, I have been to Musselburgh, Southport, and the BFG, and all the Edinburgh dance parties except 1. I have seen Jive Aces twice and I regularly dance 5 nights a week including ceroc, route 66, dancebase and jitterbug.

    I love the dancing and the people. So big thanks to Scot for the Edinburgh venues - thanks to jive addiction and Franck for providing a bit of variety, thanks to the friends I have made who join me as I explore all the other dance venues, and thanks to everybody else for being so friendly and inspiring me to keep coming back.

  15. #115
    Registered User cheeks's Avatar
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    Re: The road to Ceroc.

    I first started dancing Ceroc in January 2004 after many months of trying Salsa in many different venues in Dundee and never quite feeling at ease. I liked the dancing but the venues and lack of actual classes was becoming tiring. A friend at work had been discussing Ceroc and had asked if I would like to give it a try....................Although I was very keen I had postponed accompanying due to many different reasons. A week after my birthday I decided to give it a go.............My initial feelings where nerves I guess there where so many people.....dancing!

    After my first beginners class I felt so much at ease as if I had known the people I was dancing with forever..............

    I initially only attended every now and again for the next few months as still hadn't built up the courage to go on my own....but found myself itching to dance then in about April last year made that scary trip on my own only to find it wasn't scary at all. All those friendly faces where still their and had noticed I hadn't been, What a feeling it was!

    Since then I have never looked back i am still learning but loving every minute of it, I have now done 2 classes and 1 beginner workshop dancing as a man. Trying Tango, and hoping to squeeze in some lindy hop and wcs real soon.

    I have made lots of friends far and near, travelled to different venues to dance, joined the forum met more fantastic people and fellow formites and hope to continue to do so for many years to come.

    Last edited by cheeks; 12th-March-2005 at 03:31 PM.

  16. #116
    Registered User Scotch Bonnet's Avatar
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    Re: Back on topic!

    Quote Originally Posted by Franck
    To bring this thread back to what it is supposed to be about (ie everyone sharing their story of how they got into dancing), how about all of you who have just joined the Forum (and some of you who still haven't told us), do not be shy, it does not need to be long or fancy

    A close friend asked me to dance at a local charity event in Dalkeith,he started to jive,told me about Ceroc and suggested I come along with him to Moray house,that was almost 10 years ago,and I haven't looked back since. Who remembers Moray house ??Those were the days when I used to watch people dance and think ,would I ever be good enough or pluck up the courage to ask them to dance !!

  17. #117
    Papa Smurf
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    Re: Still learning

    Quote Originally Posted by Rougeforever
    I've pretty much got most of the beginner moves, and am really trying to focus on my technique - but am struggling with too many things.

    They are called 'men' - you just need to find some you dont have to struggle with

  18. #118
    Ceroc N.I. Franchise Owner drathzel's Avatar
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    Re: Still learning

    Quote Originally Posted by Dreadful Scathe
    They are called 'men' - you just need to find some you dont have to struggle with
    is there such a thing?

  19. #119
    Formerly known as DavidJames David Bailey's Avatar
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    Re: How did you get started?

    Way back... The brother of my then-girlfriend was hooked, and he dragged her along, then she dragged me along - that's it, I was hooked. I'd done ballroom before, but there were so few venues to do it, plus they were not exactly full of other 20-something men; ceroc was a total revelation. Still is, in fact, after, errr, 15 years, something like that I think.

    P.S. A couple of years after I started, we dragged a certain person kicking and screaming (as I recall, could be wrong) to this ceroc stuff. A few years later, this person turned into Gus...

  20. #120
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    Re: How did you get started?

    Quote Originally Posted by DavidJames
    Way back... The brother of my then-girlfriend was hooked, and he dragged her along, then she dragged me along - that's it, I was hooked. I'd done ballroom before, but there were so few venues to do it, plus they were not exactly full of other 20-something men; ceroc was a total revelation. Still is, in fact, after, errr, 15 years, something like that I think.

    P.S. A couple of years after I started, we dragged a certain person kicking and screaming (as I recall, could be wrong) to this ceroc stuff. A few years later, this person turned into Gus...

    I was struct with reverence and awe at your name, but now my opinion of you has been badly tarnished.

    I can only assume that you introduced Gus to Ceroc whilst you were still keeping goal for Evilpool, and that you have since seen the light.

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