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Thread: The road to Ceroc.

  1. #141
    Registered User mrs_warwick's Avatar
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    Re: The road to Ceroc.

    I used to belong to an amatuer dramatic group in Surrey, one of the other couples in the group did this partner dance thing that looked fun, but I could never persuade my husband to agree to trying it out. The couple split up, and left the drama group and I never found out where they danced.
    Not long after another friend who lived the other side of Surrey asked if I would like to go dancing with him. The group he danced with (Jivebug) were opening up a new venue near to where I lived (Weybridge), he was going along to support it, would I like to go too? I went along, and the first person I saw there was the guy from the drama group.
    I danced with Jivebug while the venue was open, but that was only about 3 or 4 months. When it closed, Andy and Rena from Jump'n'Jive tried to do Lindy Hop classes there and I did consider joining but I didn't drive and my friend wasn't interested in doing Lindy.
    So I went to Rebel Roc in Woking until I moved to Leicester in 2001 and started going to the Ceroc venue where I have been dancing off and on ever since (albeit more off than on).

  2. #142
    Registered User Beowulf's Avatar
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    Re: The road to Ceroc.

    How did I end up dancing? Good question, I wish I knew myself! Was never fond of dancing at school or at uni. Was way too shy for my own good and then I met my Ex (didn't know she was going to be my ex at the time mind you.. that came 8 years later!)

    I've been friends with Gadget since I came to Aberdeen and we met at Uni. He suggested to myself and my partner at the time that we should go dancing , I didn't really want to but Margaret tagged along with gadget for a few weeks.

    Every Tuesday night she'd come back in and go on and on and on and on (ad nauseum) about how great it was and how easy it was etc.. So truth be told I went along to keep her quiet. I didn't expect to enjoy myself. However, that bug .. well it's an infectious little begger isn't it. Loved it almost instantly

    A few months and a couple of beginner cerocshops later I was getting ok. Then for hitherto unexplored reasons I just stopped going. I think it started one night when I was a bit tired then as I'd missed one week I didn't feel like going to the next and so on.

    3 years down the line and I'd never gone back Then December of last year Margaret (who by then was my Fiancee) decided that the single life was for her and we split, I bought a flat and moved out. And basically since december I was moping around the house, eating junk food and doing no exercise and my health started to suffer. I needed something fun to do to keep me occupied but also something to make me fitter than what I was at the moment.

    Gadget came round to my place every Tuesday before class anyway for nosh at my place so one night (two weeks ago from this post date) I decided to go back with him. It was shocking to see how much I've forgotten but I'm sure i'll pick it up again soon enough. This time through I'm much more self confident than I was the first time I danced so that's making a big difference. I have to say am glad I'm back and I think I'll be staying this time.

  3. #143
    An Eclectic Toaster
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    Re: The road to Ceroc.

    I never got round to replying to this thread, probably because my story only sounds interesting if I reduced it to one sentence.

    I started learning Ceroc in an Asylum...

    ...which was the name of the students' union at Glasgow's "other other" university where I was working at the time. The university had been built on the former site of the first city hospital, which in its later years became the city lunatic asylum. Hence the name of the union, although considering much of Glasgow Caledonian Uni's intake, phrases like "planning permission" and "constraints on change of usage" spring to mind .

    Despite it being in the previous millennium, I remember it quite well: there were only a few people, most of them women, and I was pounced on by the taxi and a couple of other women after the beginner's lesson. The teacher was Jean Harris but I always wonder who that taxi was?

    The net result of all this female attention, in a situation way outside my comfort zone, was inevitable: I ran away. The class then shut down a couple of weeks later - right at the point I summoned up the nerve to go back. So, I moved on to the Wednesday classes at the GUU, and spent a long painful few months (years, even) trying to learn the basics. At that time, Scot taught at the GUU a lot (though my slow pace on the learning curve wasn't his fault!) - can't remember when Mairi started teaching there regularly.

    Also I can't remember the first time I met Franck, which is very surprising really and sounds like a great title for a thread. Which I'm obviously not in a position to start, except indirectly...

  4. #144
    Registered User andystyle's Avatar
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    Re: The road to Ceroc.

    When with my last gf, we had always talked about picking up a dancing class but when we broke up it obviously wasn't going to happen! Jamie (aka jammy) convinced me on a night out to come along and I came to the next class. I have to admit, I didn't know what to expect, but its been a great laugh so far - beats sitting in front of the TV fo'sho!

  5. #145
    Registered User Daydreaming Diva's Avatar
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    Re: The road to Ceroc.

    Hello all you wonderful new Ceroc friends and most especially CJ XX Clare S xx and Alex xx (just spent a few days in the homeland of the Forum). Seeing this invite to tell the tale of how Ceroc came into my life, I felt compelled to add my story, just for the record.

    Well, I remember it like this. One evening at my Ballroom/Latin class there was an extra filler class for Modern Jive lasting 6 weeks. Well, being rather a kean (and dare I say it, not bad) ballroom jiver in my youth, I thought that it might be fun to see how times had moved on. It just so happened that Tessa (Tessalicious) was there on that same evening and we had our first taste together. We attended about 4 lessons I think and mostly did nothing more until some months when, I managed (with a little help from some local Cerocers) to persuade Tessa to find some classes in London so that she could make new friends, get some exercise and get a life outside UNI. She finally braved it, and next time she came home she lead me in a few dances. I believe that was Christmas time.

    That summer I spent a few weeks in London decorating her flat, and when not absolutely collapsing with exhaustion from the day's work, we would go to one of her venues. This is when I became thoroughly hooked, and gave up Ballroom and Latin, which seemed unsociable and UNALIVE in comparison. I can now dance every evening and all evening if I wish, because it is acceptable for a lady to ask a guy, and when there are no guys left to dance with, I can even dance with a lady!!! (Shock, horror) Isn't Ceroc grand.

    Now of course, Tessa tells the story slightly differently I imagine. She maintains that she introduced me to modern jive, but now, you HAVE THE TRUTH!!!!!

    So thanks for bringing this sunshine into my life.

  6. #146
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    Re: The road to Ceroc.

    For the record:

    10 years of Ballet, overlapping with 15 or so years of Ceilidh, which has sort of lapsed and now after deciding I wanted to meet new people and keep fit while having fun, I am now a confirmed CEROC addict!


  7. #147
    Registered User Isis's Avatar
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    Re: The road to Ceroc.

    A few years ago, I was at an evening lecture in GUU from the head of the Parapsychology Department at Edinburgh University. Just as the man was about to speak, "Spirit in the Sky" came blasting from the Ceroc class downstairs. As soon as the lecture was finished, I looked in on the Ceroc class and thought it looked like fun and am now totally hooked!

  8. #148
    Registered User detomo's Avatar
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    Re: The road to Ceroc.

    Started some Latin and Ballroom, but soon wanted something more as there were only about 4 of us under 50. My uncle was doing MJ at St Georges in Exeter and suggested I go along as it was a larger crowd. Tried it and was hooked

  9. #149
    Registered User TurboTomato's Avatar
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    Re: The road to Ceroc.

    My ex duped me into coming along, I thought I was going to see a gig!

    I knew she danced, but had never heard of ceroc - she said the Jive Aces were playing so come along and watch. So I turned up expecting to sit down and watch a band. Firstly they wouldn't let me in without signing up, so I did, and then as I got to the front of the queue and paid, some random blonde woman grabbed me and dragged me into the beginners class (I really didn't have an option, and much to the amusement of the then gf!) and the rest is history. Since then me and the ex have gone our separate ways, but I enjoyed it so carried on at my local venue, which I really enjoy and has excellent teachers, a great DJ and a really good atmosphere! Have been dancing since the end of May

  10. #150
    Registered User suzy_X_'s Avatar
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    Re: The road to Ceroc.

    i started about 9 months ago i think... after waching dirty dancing i thought i wanna dance! so my mum took me along to bowdon and 9 months later here i am and loving every bit of it!

  11. #151

    Re: The road to Ceroc.

    Dance music is where I started my road. Back in the 80's listening to modern soul music and travelling around the country. Self taught but able to dance with the best of them on my own. House music and the raves came along and changed everyones view on dancing.

    I changed my style of dance into what most people would call Jazz Dancing now which really is centered around tap dance moves.

    I decided I needed to learn dance in a more formal way and started to do ball room and Latin lessons about 15 years ago for 8 years and got up to a good standard dancing with my girlfriend, now wife. Life got in the way of my dancing so I didn't do anything for 4 years then in 2003 I started tap lessons to get my foot speed back and re-learn some of the moves I had forgotten.

    I also changed my style to dance more specifically to house music (which is another passion of mine, not rave by the way and yes there is a specific style) take a look at

    At this point I wanted to develope my partner dancing and knowing I didn't really want to do ballroom or latin again and my wife not really being up for it I decided to give ceroc perfect for going without a partner 18 months later I am hooked.

  12. #152
    Registered User Jhutch's Avatar
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    Re: The road to Ceroc.

    hello all

    Got into ceroc about two months ago. Some friends who were going for the first time asked me if i wanted to go along as well. I hadnt even heard of Ceroc and had no idea what to expect. Never done any taught dancing before although i always quite liked a boogie on a night out. Anyway, I definitely caught the bug - just wish i had started doing it when i was younger.

  13. #153
    Registered User jacksondonut's Avatar
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    Re: The road to Ceroc.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jhutch View Post
    hello all

    Got into ceroc about two months ago. Some friends who were going for the first time asked me if i wanted to go along as well. I hadnt even heard of Ceroc and had no idea what to expect. Never done any taught dancing before although i always quite liked a boogie on a night out. Anyway, I definitely caught the bug - just wish i had started doing it when i was younger.

    Welcome to the Forum..

    Yeah... I wish I had discovered it a lot sooner too.. but nonetheless, one of the finest periods of my life so far.. and so many fabulous friends too..

  14. #154
    Registered User Gojive's Avatar
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    Re: The road to Ceroc.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jhutch View Post

    I am a member of another forum (weather-related ) so i know how addictive these things can become
    You'll never find me getting addicted to forums ....

    Nice to see you on this side of life John Welcome over

  15. #155
    Registered User SeriouslyAddicted's Avatar
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    Re: The road to Ceroc.

    I became a Cerocoholic after firstly discovering Salsa. After a year of Salsa'ing I had the bug to dance and Ceroc came up on an internet search. I turned up to my first class on my own, now 7 months later I have a brilliant group of Ceroc'ing friends and am totally addicted. Needless to say Salsa has died a death!

  16. #156
    Registered User purple~emma's Avatar
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    Re: The road to Ceroc.

    I'd done some dancing as a teenager and can never sit/stand still when theres music on. I gave that up when I had my children, and after having my daughter I wanted to get out of the house and find some grown up company.

    I'd never heard of ceroc, and it was only by chance that I found something about it on the Internet when I did a general search for dance classes. I rang for more information and went along the first chance I got and the rest is History.

    There's no chance of getting me to miss a night. In fact, in 18 months of dancing i've missed 1 night, i'm very rarely too ill to dance. Lol

  17. #157
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    Smile Re: The road to Ceroc.

    Been going for now to Ceroc since the 25th of nov.

    When I was a student i liked salsa. But all of my friends i went with left aberdeen so it kind of just stopped. Was more of a social thing really.

    My road to ceroc starts at a poker party. Anyways I met a few people that did ceroc. Seemed like it would be as fun as salsa so thought why not. Think it was the enthusasim which sold the idea of trying it out. That and salsa was quite fun.

    Only disaster was on the night me and my friend went i wasnt really feeling well (I thought i'd watch, no such luck). So wasnt really in the mood to dance. Still by second lesson i was hooked

  18. #158
    Registered User Mythical's Avatar
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    Re: The road to Ceroc.

    I wanted to learn to dance properly - maybe to kinda show off a bit. but I wasn't actively looking for a class to got to, it was kind of a take it or leave it thing. I love Rockabilly and Ska music, and if you're not drunk enough to skank, the music really demands to be jived to!
    I was surfing, and came across the Ceroc Site and when I discovered I could walk out of Brownies on Tuesday Night, right across the road and into Ceroc just in time for the beginners class, I couldn't really pass the opportunity up!!

    To digress a little, the road through Ceroc, I'm hoping, goes right by the night where I can happily freestyle in a nightclub, for no other reason, really than to wind my housemates up!

  19. #159
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    Re: The road to Ceroc.

    Ive always danced in one shape or form (even if it was only around my own kitchen to the radio) ...ballet for 15 years (on and off), aerobics (teaching) for 10 years. Clubbing, to all and any type of music - 80's pop, current charts, r'n'b... but Im a rock chick at heart

    My sis took me along to a class two years ago, after she discovered it. Its taken me a year to get the motivation and pluck up the courage to find a class near me, but now...

    ...Im loving it!

  20. #160
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    Re: The road to Ceroc.

    Never did any kind of dancing, nor wanted to until an ex girlfriend dragged me along to Ceroc in Orpington about 8 years ago. I went twice, amazed myself that I could dance the moves from the beginners class and would have been happy to carry on, but the aforementioned girlfriend, a hobby/pastime addict, took up Italian on Wednesday nights so that was that.

    Plucked up the courage to return with a couple of work friends (both female, obviously!) in 2002 and stayed for 3 months. Drifted away only to return in 2004 and have been going ever since, mainly thanks to the excellent friends I've made along the way.

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