I Definitely Lead to Dance. This is like a conversation, you invite the lady into a lead, if she accepts, can handle it or does something with it, then I proceed to showing her my well oiled moves.

Each move being introduced in the same way, like a conversation.

My leading has taken time to arrive at its present state, like water going down a river, over time; the water will find the shorted path to the ocean.

This is why the semicircle to the left was Dropped and one to the right adopted, When I Dance, I don’t expected the lady to step back and forward, unless I lead it so. The Semicircle to the right is done to get her to twist as she comes to me. I find moves easier to lead this way and the ladies I dance with seem to like it.

Lead to dance; this way, you dance with the lady, not at her.

Do I hear any arguments to the contra?