After reading so much negative stuff about venues I figured there must be some other people like me here, people who go dancing and have an amazing time. The DJ played great music, the staff were friendly, the floor wasn't sticky or too slippy, the drinks were reasonably priced, you learnt a really cool new move, you met an old friend, a new friend, danced with a forumite, had a fantastic dance, anything really.... but most importantly you had brilliant fun Cerocing.

I wanted to share the excellent time I had tonight at Stafford (where pretty much all of the above was true... ohh did I mention party atmosphere?) with you guys without getting shot down in flames for daring to have fun Cerocing.

So, please tell all.......... where's your favorite venue and why? Where have you been tonight? Anything - let's make this a who's who of the top dancing spots in the UK

But there's just one thing......... nothing negative please, save the moaning for all the other threads and keep this one up beat to balance the karma of the forum.