Quote Originally Posted by spindr View Post
The clip here shows some examples of the level that I would expect from an advanced weekly.
Salsa ?
1:44 - "Leading & following tips"
Advanced semi-circle ?

'New Directions' could be good - Ceroc tends to go in many different directions - adopting some of the styling & moves of other dance forms.

There are 'taster' workshops that are a basic intro to other dances, but we could do with a deeper level that introduces the different techniques, rather than just moves.

Maybe some more on MJ technique would be a start ?

eg last year we had some pretty-well WCS moves in the 'New Moves workshops', but no guidance on technique. And without a 'frame', double-preps just don't work.

Ceroc is already 'overlapping' with Tango, Salsa, Mambo, Cha-Cha, WCS and many others.

Maybe the 'common ground' of generic dance technique could be taught , then the different dances built on that foundation ?

Blues technique, too ! Definitely more Blues, especially since we have a 'Blues room' .