After too long in the wilderness I am finally going to get to dance at a Mariachi night again!! I was hoping for a solid CJ set at Skegness. I don't know why we were all left CJ-less this time around. I know Mariachi does tend to polarise dancers into like/dislike camps - on reflection this would have meant that at least SOME of the dancers would have been happy with the music though! Are you listening Wes and John?

Anyway I digress. When it comes to dancing Twirlie Bird and me tend to work like this. We discuss stuff that coming up, she books it and tells me where we're off to at the weekend. As a bloke who isn't the most organised person in the world... (where are my keys)... that suits me just fine. So imagine my complete delight at her telling me when I said I missed CJ at Skeggy today that we're off to a Mariachi double bill in March

On 14th of March we are heading down to Sara Whites for an evening of music, merriment and dancing to CJs extra cool tunes. Twirlie Bird's all excited about dancing with the Bedfordshire Blues Babe again. She's already started trying to work out what to wear!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I need to add a couple more.. hold on !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that's more like the right amount.

Then the weekend after that (March 20th) we are off to Morris's (RevDrop's) birthday bash where we will be treated to another Mariachi set! Full details of the party are on this thread. Including details about three rooms AND a 3am finish. Yes, you heard right 3am! What an extra cool couple of weekends dancing.

So, my question is.... I knew I would get their in the end....... who out of our friends will be able to dance with at these events? Are you coming???