Phew!!! what a brill day...

huge congraulations to Sheena, Franck and the team for organising such a brilliant event. And Sheena/Nicola for the fab music!!

I had the luckiest day ever, I was paired up with Alex for the Lucky Dip, and he was just fab and we danced our socks off so big thanks to Alex for helping make this year even more memorable for me.

Of course I must thank Sam, my partner in the Open. I am so lucky to have such a brill partner. Also a wee mention to both Tim, my hubby and Monika, Sam's wife (who was looking stunning yesterday) for putting up with us both. We were both so pleased and very grateful for all the support that we got from everyone. Man, you guys can really shout. It really helped us, nothing beats dancing in front of your home crowd so massive thank you to everyone for this

Need to also mention both Pauline and Kayleigh. I had a bad case of cramp in my leg and toe an hour before the final and Pauline worked wonders on it, so thanks hunny. And Kayleigh for lending me her waistcoat. Cheers love!! (This saved a lot of embarrassment for Sam )

Thank you also to Phil Webb who I had the pleasure of dancing with in the Jack and Jill. He was so lovely and very patient with me. Never had the pleasure of dancing with him and was trying hard to compliment his dancing.

Thank you to everyone I met and danced with yesterday and apologies for anyone I missed but I had to go as I had burned myself out.

Huge congratulations to all the winners, especially Dave , my demo, and Claire in the Intermediates. So proud of you both!

Great weekend - if you weren't there then you missed out on both a fab time and of course the opportunity to raise money for charity.
