Quote Originally Posted by Rocky View Post
DS, I could post that a bear sh1ts in the woods and you would ask me how I could be so arrogant
No I wouldn't, and I have agreed with you on many things in the past.

AND then, even if I answered you with quotes, proof, pictures and news footage from CNN entitled 'irrefuatable evidence that bears do sh1t in woods' you would still ignore what I said...
I never ignore what you say, I specifically dispute it a lot of the time. Do you have examples of where this is not the case? or are you just assuming people will believe you without question ?

Evidence? I'd like to see some for some of the things you come out with. Case in point ? your opinion of one of the 2 parties involved in the recent business dispute is apparently based on one email by the other. That may be enough evidence for you to jump to a conclusion, but not necessarily anyone else.

had an agenda
Why must everyone have an agenda? You're completely unbiased though right?

Quote Originally Posted by Dj Trev
But almost everytime he puts something on a thread you,DS,and a couple of others appear to be hell bent on causing unnecessary discord.
Well the alternative is to let his jibe go unanswered - if no one else is bothered about the edge to Rockys posts, bearing in mind he has had posts in this thread deleted for being slanderous already, then clearly I am wasting my time posting at all. The implication is that my purpose is to cause this unnecessary discord. I can't see it myself.