I'm really enjoying this Modern Jive thing. I even did a workshop yesterday (thank you teacher type people in Cannock) and followed up with class tonight.

But sometimes, just the little things.. I get frustrated when
- I forget the next move in a sequence we're learning
- my partner watches and follows the teacher, not me
- I forget the move I'm halfway through leading
- my partner leads the move without me needing to
- I need a towel
- my partner drips on me (especially when I immediately get grabbed by someone else who now thinks I'm the damp one)
- I lead a double-yoyo (at first it was because I knew no other right-handed moves; now it's an instinctive accident)
- my partner thinks a hatchback lead _is_ a yoyo
- I feel I'm boring my partner with my limited set of beginner moves
- my partner insists on teaching me moves I don't know during freestyle
- I miss the breaks, the changes, even the beat of the music
- my partner follows the music inside her head
- I don't know how to lead out of this fantastic position my partner so elegantly followed me into (that I led into quite by accident - I meant to lead that move, no the one where you do that. Oh, I should've led it there then? Ok, I'll try again, but can someone untie us..)
- my partner disappears after the dance, when I really did kind of want to chat for a while. Just chat..

Yet I keep going back. Thank you, all you skilled, patient, often amused and sometimes bemused followers.

Ah, feel better now