...do they actually exist?

I was looking around the Ceroc websites on Wednesday night, wondering if bookings had opened for Scorch at Southport.

They hadn't - the ceroc.com/scorch page was there, but the link to the booking page was still disabled.

However (by guessing the URL) I did manage to get to the booking page. As it wasn't officially open I didn't want risk attempting to hand over any money at that point. But I did notice that the Female Share with a Stranger places were already On Hold.

The next morning I checked and for three weekends that had just opened (Scorch/ Viva Las Vegas/ Breeze) these places were all on hold - this was before I'd seen any announcements or Facebook postings about Breeze and no links from the main Escape page, so I think it's pretty unlikely that many women had got there to buy places.

So I believe that the female places start out as On Hold when the sites open, and can only be released if umpteen men all book at once on a day when it's a new moon (or something equally unlikely). I know a couple of people who've found them in the last couple of years but it's very much the exception - it seems much, much easier for men to get these cheap places.

This doesn't seem very fair.

I understand the need to have equal numbers, and I think Ceroc do a pretty good job of that, but it does seem that the 'entry level' prices for women are more than their male equivalents which must be more questionable.

I'd love to know how the average cost of a female place compares to the average cost of a male place, averaged across everyone who attends a weekender...