Quote Originally Posted by Rocky View Post
This is a total contradiction.. if the music described for a set is say S'Funk, as an example, how on earth can you try and please everyone in the room if they don't like Soul Funk?? A Djs job is to play what is advertised, but more importantly to dovetail with the DJs who have played before them and the style of music based on what you expect for DJ who is playing after them.
Quote Originally Posted by martingold View Post
Nope a good dj should do their best at some point in the evening to please everyone in a room also they should play music which is advertised (so if sfunk or swing is advertised thats what should be played)
I thought that was pretty much exactly what i said as you see i did say do their best at some point in the evening
and later i said
Quote Originally Posted by martingold View Post
Different djs have a different set of people who follow them
As for the Saturday night as i was on the stairs checking wristbands i could hardly have complained to you or anybody else about what you were playing what i said on here was
Quote Originally Posted by martingold View Post
Having said that when i was on the stairs checking wrist bands on sat night i had a never ending stream of people telling me they hated what was going on in both the chill out zone and the main room this was at a time when rocky was on the decks in the coz and erick was on in the main room
And it was Mike Ellard who asked me about the general feel of the night as the people on checking wristbands are the first to be moaned at by the dancers going past them
I also told the dancers to tell you or mike directly
Added to that after the sunday lunchtime i also told Mike that you played one of the best sets of the weekend but i guess you didnt hear that bit