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Thread: Ten things I LOVE about dancing

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Ten things I LOVE about dancing

    Just as a counter to the other thread.. what are the ten things that you like most about dancing?

    1) I get to dance with lots of beautiful women

    2) I am in an enviroment with like-minded people who all love to dance.

    3) I get asked to dance - someone actually wants to dance with me.

    4) I can completley loose myself in the music and take someone with me.

    5) I sometimes have moments where nothing exists but me, my partner and the music - everything falls into place and just 'clicks' :sigh:

    6) I can try to be cool and show off - and not get embarassed when it fails {but it's so the 1 in 100 that work, it's worth the other 99 attempts }

    7) The new (and old) people I meet - Feeling a part of a huge community that is as non-judgemental as you can get. - Knowing that most folk will have had the same experiances as me.

    8) Knowing I can turn up in any city in any venue and be almost guaranteed to have some good dances and perhaps bump into someone I "know".

    9) I become the centre of some beutiful ladies life for three minuites where I can display them, hold them, guide them and move with them.

    10) I have a forum full of people that I can vent at, cry on, hug and ask advice from... oh, and occasionally discuss dancing.

  2. #2
    Registered User Beowulf's Avatar
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    Re: Ten things I LOVE about dancing

    Quote Originally Posted by Gadget
    Just as a counter to the other thread.. what are the ten things that you like most about dancing?

    1) I get to dance with lots of beautiful women

    2) I am in an enviroment with like-minded people who all love to dance.

    3) I get asked to dance - someone actually wants to dance with me.

    4) I can completley loose myself in the music and take someone with me.

    5) I sometimes have moments where nothing exists but me, my partner and the music - everything falls into place and just 'clicks' :sigh:

    6) I can try to be cool and show off - and not get embarassed when it fails {but it's so the 1 in 100 that work, it's worth the other 99 attempts }

    7) The new (and old) people I meet - Feeling a part of a huge community that is as non-judgemental as you can get. - Knowing that most folk will have had the same experiances as me.

    8) Knowing I can turn up in any city in any venue and be almost guaranteed to have some good dances and perhaps bump into someone I "know".

    9) I become the centre of some beutiful ladies life for three minuites where I can display them, hold them, guide them and move with them.

    10) I have a forum full of people that I can vent at, cry on, hug and ask advice from... oh, and occasionally discuss dancing.

    this'll be easy.. here goes'

    see I told you it would be easy !!

    can I just add
    11) Meeting people from all over the UK. I've been a member of various clubs and forums and odds and sods (more odd than sod I must add) and I've never met a more "MOBILE" set of members in my life.. I think you're all great.. have a hug from a soppy geek

  3. #3

    Re: Ten things I LOVE about dancing

    Quote Originally Posted by Gadget
    Just as a counter to the other thread.. what are the ten things that you like most about dancing?
    Hey, cool! A link to my thread! I feel like I've finally made it!

  4. #4
    Cheeky by nature Little Monkey's Avatar
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    Re: Ten things I LOVE about dancing

    In no particular order:

    1) Meeting lots of lovely people
    2) Those dances where everything just works, and for 3 or 4 minutes the world is perfect!
    3) The blues room at Southport.........
    4) Helps keeping me fit!
    5) Constantly learning new things, and exploring new dances.
    6) Just having lots of fun and being silly!
    7) A good excuse to buying new clothes and shoes
    8) Compliments! Fab ego-boost! Bring it on!
    9) Monday Meltdown
    10) Sheepman

  5. #5
    Mrs Pretzelmeister
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    Re: Ten things I LOVE about dancing

    Oooh can I keep it just to ten?

    1) when I've had a rubbish day, dancing is guaranteed to cheer me up and make me feel physically better.

    2) chance to wear swirly skirts (work on a building site all day in oh-so-attractive site boots and hi-viz and you'll appreciate what I mean!)

    3) chance to get sparkly (I was probably wildly over/under dressed for the Glasgow party last night and I JUST DON'T CARE - I like to sparkle)

    4) the sheer lucky-dip aspect of not being able to tell from first appearances whether someone will be a good or poor lead - so pleasant to find really good leads

    5) getting the click factor when it just all goes right

    6) having particular tunes that become favourites with particular dancers

    7) discovering you have an implicit trust in someone not to drop you and getting to love the spin-to-drops even if I do have to close my eyes!

    8) Finding so many different kinds of people with a common love of dancing

    9) Feeling like I'm getting better at something in my life when I can't get a handle on the rest of it

    10) Getting a round of applause for dancing in the pub on Friday! (although I can't really take the credit for that, Pretzelmeister was responsible!)

    I so love dancing!

  6. #6
    Basically lazy robd's Avatar
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    Re: Ten things I LOVE about dancing

    1) Getting close to so many lovely ladies (without risking an injunction)

    Repeat to 10)

  7. #7
    The Perfect Woman!
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    Re: Ten things I LOVE about dancing

    1) Getting close to so many gorgeous men (without getting a reputation )

    Repeat to 10)

  8. #8
    Dickie Davies' love-child Cruella's Avatar
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    Re: Ten things I LOVE about dancing

    Quote Originally Posted by foxylady
    1) Getting close to so many gorgeous men (without getting a reputation )
    Repeat to 10)
    You're in denial Tess !!

  9. #9
    Glitter Queen
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    Re: Ten things I LOVE about dancing

    Quote Originally Posted by Cruella
    You're in denial Tess !!
    She's not, she's praying for someone to disagree with her

  10. #10
    Little Miss Jazz Shoes Jazz_Shoes (Ash)'s Avatar
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    Re: Ten things I LOVE about dancing

    1.) Learning a new skill.
    2.) Meeting lots of new friends that I feel I can trust.
    3.) Being in a fun enviroment where there isn't usually anything to worry about apart from having fun.
    4.) It is safer than going out clubbing and saves me money as I don't drink much at Ceroc
    5.) The feeling you get when a dance comes together music/atmosphere/connection
    6.) When men let you (try) to be stylish, I hate it when it is just move after move after move after.....
    7.) There is no age discrimination
    8.) You can go to any venue, anywhere in the country and you will usually be made to feel welcome, not like an outsider.
    9.) Feeling safe when you are dancing.
    10.) I love the feeling I get when I dance, it is indiscribable

  11. #11
    Registered User Piglet's Avatar
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    Re: Ten things I LOVE about dancing

    1. Dancing with lovely leads who are gracious when I "**** up"

    2. Dancing with leads who can drop me with ease and it feels so natural.

    3. Dancing with leads who are individual and enjoy playing around with different moves - keeps me on my toes.

    4. Dancing with beginners who find the whole thing a tad overwhelming and reassuring them that they are doing well.

    5. Dancing to great music.

    6. Dancing inside or outside.

    7. Dancing to slow music.

    8. All the workshops

    9. Dancing with lots of lovely people from all over the world (okay, well maybe mainly the UK, but love dancing with Nessa! Can't wait for her to come back and visit again).

    10. It's such fun! Life's such a blast since discovering it

  12. #12

    Re: Ten things I LOVE about dancing

    1. Dancing.

  13. #13
    Registered User LMC's Avatar
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    Re: Ten things I LOVE about dancing

    How sad that the ten things I hate about dancing is so much longer than this thread Avoiding that one as determined not to indulge my well-known tendency to winge.

    1. The endorphin/adrenalin high
    2. Being able to go to any venue and have a good night, even if you don't know anyone
    3. The music (mostly)
    4. It's the only opportunity I get at the moment to get my hands on someone of the opposite sex
    5. Being able to 'zone out' and follow - dancing is a great head-emptier after a stressful day/week at work
    6. There's always something more to learn - and not just more moves
    7. Making so many new friends
    8. Shoes. 'nuff said.
    9. It's a great way of burning calories and keeping fit
    10. Just... dancing

  14. #14

    Re: Ten things I LOVE about dancing

    1) Competing
    2) Dancing with someone who is an amazing lead and makes me feel good.
    3) Getting lost in the music
    4) Dancing makes me feel good and boosts my confidence, plus I don't have to worry about what people think when trying new things on the dance floor, even if it might be silly to start with. It's a bit of fun!
    5) Great exercise
    6) Dressing up in sparkly stuff.
    7) My friends (love em to bits) and making new friends.
    8) Feeling welcome/comfortable in any venue across the UK and always bumping into people I know.
    9) The bar
    10) The forum of course! (noooobody mentioned that did they? )

  15. #15
    Registered User stewart38's Avatar
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    Re: Ten things I LOVE about dancing

    women * 9

    and all the other stuff

  16. #16
    Registered User
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    Re: Ten things I LOVE about dancing

    I'm gonna be repeating a lot of what has already been said, but here goes ...

    (in no particular order!)
    1. The high it gives me without drugs or alcohol!
    2. The great people I meet
    3. The fact that I can actually enjoy myself while keeping fit
    4. Learning new things all the time
    5. The confidence boost when something complicated goes right, or just when someone says how nice it is to dance with you
    6. Being able to 'perform' and 'show off' to people without them thinking you're a show off!
    7. Getting a lot closer to some really rather nice guys than I would normally be 'allowed' to!
    8. The way you can forget all your troubles and stresses for a couple of hours
    9. As a Taxi, being able to help and encourage others to become as addicted as me!
    10. Getting to hear all sorts of music I'd never normally be aware of or listen to - I've been introduced to some great tracks through Ceroc!

    Well, basically, just everything ... I JUST LOVE DANCING!!!!

  17. #17
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    Cool Re: Ten things I LOVE about dancing

    Thought I'd randomly pull this thread from the ether:

    In no particular order:

    Friends (Finding new ones, greeting old ones, cheerleading and competing at competitions, comfort dances if you are down, Hugs)

    The buzz, zone, call it what you like, Endorphins!! Hello = The Perfect Dances

    Incredible Leads

    Brilliant DJs

    Blues Rooms Anywhere!

    Travelling – being made to feel welcome

    Getting and Staying fit

    The Music – old favourites, new tracks.

    My bank balance complaining when I buy too many clothes – Come on too many clothes? Who needs luggage allowances – wardrobe meet suitcase – now you must shut!

    The memories – see all of above and more!!


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