Quote Originally Posted by DavidJames View Post
Well, Chiswick was - somewhat surprisingly - rather good last night.

The main floor was, as expected, more sticky than a very sticky thing - I could barely walk on it, let alone dance. So I didn't.

The Blues Room was great - OK, floor not wonderful, and hot as hell (radiators on? Why??), but tiger did a great job on the decks, and there were some lovely dancers there, I had a good time. Worth queueing 2 days for
Chiswick was wonderful fun.....people and dancing of course - despite the floor being flawed. Then:

Wroing music choice
Why did the DJ in the main hall play 'Son of a Preacher Man'? Great track though it is.....it is NOT a Ceroc/MJ track. It is 90bpm last time I checked. Everyone ground to a halt on the dance floor - and it spoiled the flow of things.
There were probably more duff tracks than usual in the main room.....

Great music
A breath of energy as 'New Shoes' Paoloa Nuttini hits the decks. Why isn't this played more often on the circuit?

Blues room
Atmosphere was ok - tons of people just sitting down and watching. Music was.......hmm.....mixed. Too much latino for me. I wish we could have some more Blues or blues rooted music in Blues rooms!

Hmmm - yes it was the same at Berko last week.....why are the radiators so hot? I did mention it to Ian and I think he was trying to sort it out. Maybe they get turned on early and nobody thinks to turn them off before dancing starts.