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Thread: Southport September 08 The Aftermath

  1. #61
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    Re: Southport September 08 The Aftermath

    Quote Originally Posted by tsh View Post
    Sublime. No need to say more.

  2. #62
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    Re: Southport September 08 The Aftermath

    Excuse me but due to lack of sleep I forgot to mention a lovely lady at SP.

    Thank you Minnie M for all the hard work with the barbie q, I had a lovely time.
    if you love the life you live then you'll get a lot more done

  3. #63
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    Re: Southport September 08 The Aftermath

    The fun, silly, serious and inspiring dancers. And combinations thereof
    John Martyn track in the bluesroom.
    So many people still around in the small hours
    Completing my mission to find seven. You know who you are.
    Everything from 4 o'clock-ish Saturday 'til the Monday finish
    The last few tracks on Monday weren't overemphasised as an end of era or anything like that. Just played out as normal.

    Friday - started very badly and very rapidly went exceedingly downhill. Combination of music, getting whacked in the Latin room and other stuff
    Not much else - apart from the bluesified version of "santa claus is coming to town" which featured just before Toby started and I think he got blamed for.

    Getting the hotshot "up down look" when I asked someone to dance in the main room. Give her her due; she did dance with me, but the level of disdain and disinterest was remarkable. So much so that I immediately asked her if she'd like another to see if she could maintain it for the full 6 minutes. She did.

    A brilliant weekend.

  4. #64
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    Re: Southport September 08 The Aftermath

    Quote Originally Posted by robd View Post
    * Some good music that I hadn't heard before - really liked the Liberty X accapella that Greg was playing.
    I loved that track. I heard it either in June or Feb early in the morning; and watched Naomi and Aleks do a fabulous job dancing to it. I tried hunting it down after the event but didn't have any luck.

  5. #65
    Registered User Tazmanian Devil's Avatar
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    Re: Southport September 08 The Aftermath

    Ok just in from work so can now fully concentrate on my review.

    I personally had a FANTASTIC weekend. It was lovely to catch up with soo many people that I haven't seen for a couple of years. The standard of dancing as always was outstanding. Loved the flooring laid by JA, very slippy and beautiful for slides and spinns
    I have no grumbles with the music what so ever. I can't say I noticed too much or too little of any type of music played. Fab sets by Zebra woman, Sheepman, Dance Demon, and Toby (have probably forgotten people sorry).

    Unfortunately I didn't make it to any classes was too busy catching up with people.

    It was lovely to meet some more of the forumites properly McJester- new drinking buddy CMS-Classy lady am looking forward to meeting up with you guys for new year There are soo many I am not even gonna attempt to mention them all lol!!

    My only low point was the water damage to the outside decking on Saturday made it very difficult to dance on, but it soon sorted itself out ready for sunday afternoon dancing.

    Thankyou to everyone for the lovely dances

    Oh and the pink stuff it was soooooo not MY fault that Pontins sold out
    I blame the rest of you hehehehe
    Last edited by Tazmanian Devil; 15th-September-2008 at 11:24 PM.

  6. #66
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    Re: Southport September 08 The Aftermath

    I had a great weekend, and really enjoyed the music in the Blues Room; some excellent tracks with great scope for musicality and interpretation. I'd agree with some who said that it was a bit WCS-centric though. Part of the fun of SP is that it also offers the chance to sit back and watch great dancers freestyle - I really enjoyed watching Paul and Cat in action, absolutely amazing.

    I had some really enjoyable dances - Rubyred, always a pleasure , and it was great to dance with Lory for the first time. To everyone else I danced with but whose names I've forgotten/didn't ask, many thanks.

    I didn't do many classes, but I enjoyed Amir's Argentine Tango sessions - nothing tricksy, just really sound, fundamental advice. Gus and Helen also very kindly gave me and my dance partner some really useful advice and guidance - many thanks guys, it was much appreciated.

    The Bad. Not that much to bitch about. Still a certain amont of hotshot behaviour from a certain coterie . Plus the annoying berk who I was sat next to throughout the cabaret who kept up a non-stop commentary of snide and asinine comments while John and Wes were speaking.

  7. #67
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    Re: Southport September 08 The Aftermath

    Quote Originally Posted by David Bailey View Post
    Them's fighting words - I've seen Yes Minister you know.

    Yes, absolutely. That's the way I read it also. Why do you assume I read it differently? Am I writing in invisible ink or something?

    JA are reacting to a market demand, and good on them for doing so. How many more times do I have to repeat that before you understand it?

    Let me put it in bold for you:

    I'm not criticising JA, I'm applauding them, for reacting to market demand.


    I'm not moaning about the trend to WCS dancing amongst Ja weekenders.

    I'm moaning - in fact I'm on the verge of getting seriously miffed - with the lack of understanding of what I'm flippin' writing. Here's a suggestion - read my words, for Chrissakes, before assuming I'm saying something which I'm patently not, OK?

    Yes, and I said that.

    Again, if you read my posts rather than just imagining what I'm saying, and projecting your own interpretations on it, you may have a chance of responding with some modicum of sense.

    It is ridiculous to pretend that the influence of WCS is not growing

    The head line teachers are from the WCS world

    However it appears its what the punters want (cira 400 + in the WCS class)

    Is it a fad ? time will tell

  8. #68
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    Re: Southport September 08 The Aftermath

    This was my second southport and wow wow wow I don’t know what else to say about it, it was amazing

    The good
    Adam saying I was a fantastic follower and technical my best comment all weekend then our 930 am dance wow

    Dance with robert omg I have had only 2 wcs lessons but danced loads with wcs dancers and practised loads well as mush as possible and he said I was a fab dancer
    At this point of the weekend I need picking up off the floor lmao

    Minnie m hope the foot ok, thanks for you words of wisdon every time I passed ur appartment

    Fletch well what can I say ur fab thanks for everything and u know what I am talking about…..
    O and looking forward to sharing at eclipse in feb thanks for that babe
    O and the staying out all night thing lol

    I made breakfast club go me thanks wes and I was still out at tea time lol
    I did not sleep from 930 am sat morning till when I left Sunday night then I fell asleep in the car thanks 2tone for driving

    Enjoyed my morning stroll to the beach watched the sun rising

    Thanks to fletch for letting me share ur bitch james he’s ½ mine now
    Enjoyed my midnight snack with sungy as normal

    DTS well I have no idea what to say but thanks loved all the dances and the swapping and well yes lol the shirts

    The bad
    Having to come home Sunday due to college Monday at 9am

    Not wanting the best weekender ever to end

    The ugly

    That drink that lee gave me that was horrible but then found out that stokie was drinking it straight in tall glass u mad mate no wonder u didn’t sleep either

    Me at the end of the weekend with no sleep !!!!!!

    The music all weekends was great no one bad track I heard anyway lee you did a fab set lunch time Sunday it was fab
    Raph well u ipod it the top of tops the music at breakfast club was fab please send the play list wow I want that song that we danced to I have no idea what it was but you know which one I mean so slow but so much fun
    Well after being back for just over a day and having some sleep I still need more sleep so im of to bed before college today at 5pm


  9. #69
    Teacher Paul F's Avatar
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    Re: Southport September 08 The Aftermath

    This is unusual. I don't think it has taken so long for me to post a Southport review

    Before I start I have to take a step back and say that anything negative in this review will have to be taken in it's least severe context. That is because I really failed to find anything 'wrong' with the weekender at all. It was, and always has been, brilliant !
    Nevertheless, I will continue with the Godd, Bad and Ugly theme.

    The Good
    Where to start?
    The outside dancing. As always, a defining moment of Southport for me. Getting there on Friday and seeing it soaked with rain made me resign myself to no outdoor dancing that weekend. Then, on Saturday, the sun shone, the floor dried and fun was had by all.

    Meeting and chatting to StokeBloke for the first time. What a proper nice guy. It will always be a case of there being so many people on here and at weekenders that you never get to meet all of them but when you do get chance to chat it is brilliant. Really enjoyed our chat on the Sunday.

    The music. I have to applaud John and Wes for listening, once again, to the feedback from last time. The music in the blues room this time was definately different than last. At the last Southport I would have agreed that the 'WCS music' was too much in evident (and I do WCS). However, this time the range of tracks was definately more varied - especially when the marquee opened.
    IMO some people tend to assume that a particular track is 'WCS music' just because they see a load of people dancing WCS to it. This, however, is just because the westies are trying to dance to as much as possible. I remember one track coming on in the blues room and me thinking to myself "I just cannot do WCS to this at all!!!"
    Then there were the alternative tracks. One example of this was the track 'Poison'. It came on and I thought "What the hell?". Thing is, as the track went on I really really got into it and ended up telling everyone about it Can't remember which DJ played it.

    The atmosphere in the blues room. I was so happy to hear people expressing regret at the fact that the blues room will be no more but then qualifying this by saying that the NEW blues room at Eclipse could be even better! That is exactly the right type of thinking. Ok, we have lost a landmark in the dance world but we have to move on with an open mind. The next one could be even better

    The people. The people make Southport. I dont care what anyone else says. For me it is the people. I was chatting with Under Par on Sunday night and he remarked that you could have something akin to a steel hut in the middle of a field but fill it with the people from Southport and we would have a great time. Truly an amazing statement and one that sums it up for me.

    Recognising the emotion and feeling that John and Wes have put into this.

    Enjoying some dances that I will remember for some time. Thank-you.

    The Bad
    Erm, well I suppose the travel conditions on the way up. I dont think I have ever driven through so much water on the motorways *Grrr* That really wasn't pleasant.

    That's really about it for the bad - and I mean that. Aside from the things that J+W cannot control e.g. quality of chalet, weather and so on I really cant think of any other bad things for me.

    Hang on, I have 2! *something to replace a smiley as I have too many*
    1. The speaker near my favourite bench on the raised floor of the blues room was facing towards the bench resulting in me having to shout to chat with people
    2. Not being able to hear the teachers that well from the temporary flooring in the main room (although I think it was LM and I that were affecting that!)

    The Ugly


    No idea.

    It is fair to say that I was a little upset at the end of this Southport. Not so much in tears upset, as I knew that the legacy could be created again, but downhearted nevertheless. It is moments like the one where Dance Demon signed off to his final track at Southport and made an impassioned short speech about his time there and the dawn of a new era that did it.
    It is as if those few words made everyone realise just what was changing. Maybe it was just me, maybe I am making far too much of this 'business' change but I hope it's not.

    I'm not saying this to have a go at the Ceroc event that replaces it. Far from it. I have no affiliations to any group or organiser. I am saying this for personal reasons. I loved Southport. I think it WILL change with the new takeover. That makes me sad.

    Let's see what Eclipse has to offer. Im booked for Feb!
    Last edited by Paul F; 16th-September-2008 at 10:32 AM.

  10. #70
    Registered User Poi Boi's Avatar
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    Re: Southport September 08 The Aftermath

    Well it was my first ever SP and it blew me away. My entire body aches and my typing is about half the speed it normally is because everything feels so leaden. A huuuuuuuuuuge thankyou to everyone I danced with over the weekend. I think I only had one or two not so good dances over the weekend, and even they didn't feel that bad.

    So, i'le follow tradition;

    The Good

    Dancing outside in the sunshine, in the grey afternoon, in the dark and in the early hours of the morning.

    Meeting lots of forumites and putting faces to names, and having a laugh with many of them.

    DTS, cracked me up all weekend, inviting me to play tag with many a bemused lady and some great dances to the bemusement of others

    DJ Sheepman's set on Sunday night, some great tracks, during which I had the best dance of my life to 'Sweat', and so many other amazing dances too. Also all the other DJs were brilliant, but I was on such a high after that set, I had to go and thank him afterwards.

    The Cabaret, truely jaw dropping stuff, especially the double trouble routine

    The other dancers on the floor of the Blues Room (I barely left it). I spent many a track when not dancing just watching people, some of it was stunning, some of it was hilarious, and the rest was just fabulous.

    The comments I got; "That was HOT!", "Please say you want another", and "You is the Bollo**s mate you reall ****ing is*

    A big thanks to everyone that I danced with, you know who you all are and there are too many names to mention!

    The Bad

    The bag thief. And also the people who stole shoes from Heavenly Dance shoes.

    Not being able to sleep properly and my eyes getting sore (thanks Optrex for helping with that!)

    The Ugly

    Me after dancing all night! Not a sight for sore eyes, and mine were fairly sore!

    A huuuuuuge thanks to eveyone over the weekend, I finally moved on from the plateau i've been on for the last 6 or so months. Despite not doing a single class, I learnt a huge amount this weekend, I finally got Penguin walks, pulled of a few moves I've only ever seen a couple of times and I even did a lift on Twirly Bird!

    Looking forward to Brean now, and may just have to book up Eclipse too!

  11. #71
    Dickie Davies' love-child Cruella's Avatar
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    Re: Southport September 08 The Aftermath

    Quote Originally Posted by Paul F View Post
    The people. The people make Southport. I dont care what anyone else says. For me it is the people. I was chatting with Under Par on Sunday night and he remarked that you could have something akin to a steel hut in the middle of a field but fill it with the people from Southport and we would have a great time. Truly an amazing statement and one that sums it up for me.
    Everyone I spoke to seemed to be of the same opinion. Although there was a sadness about the situation, there was an awful lot of excitement and optimism about the new venue too. The fact that nearly 900 had booked up for Eclipse in Feb, by the end of the weekend, shows that people believe in the idea of 'Southport' being transferable to another location.
    Let's see what Eclipse has to offer. Im booked for Feb!
    Me too.
    Is it too early for a 'Who's going to Eclipse - Feb' poll.

  12. #72
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    Re: Southport September 08 The Aftermath

    Quote Originally Posted by Poi Boi View Post
    The Bad

    The bag thief. And also the people who stole shoes from Heavenly Dance shoes.
    Hmm... noticed Mike was sporting a new handbag yesterday and some VERY sparkly new shoes....

  13. #73
    Dickie Davies' love-child Cruella's Avatar
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    Re: Southport September 08 The Aftermath

    Quote Originally Posted by Rocky View Post
    Hmm... noticed Mike was sporting a new handbag yesterday and some VERY sparkly new shoes....
    Were they orange?

  14. #74
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    Re: Southport September 08 The Aftermath

    o the swapping with DTS , poi boi , steven 666 , and markie out on the decking it was great i have forgot how many times we all danced...

    there was so many other people that i met and danced with i have forgot all there names

    o i have my first ever dance with paul f wow thanks.

    no many dances in the main room spent most time in blues room

    thanks to caz babe we have to have a drink again together soon lol so funny

  15. #75
    B.O.G.O.F. fletch's Avatar
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    Re: Southport September 08 The Aftermath

    Quote Originally Posted by dave the scaffolder View Post
    Ok you 2 lets stay on thread and stick to how wonderfull SP was and not sully a marvellous weekend by fighting on this thread....PLEASE.

    It wouldn't be a SP tread with out a bit of mud slinging.

    Quote Originally Posted by Andy McGregor View Post
    I'll dance to anything - I don't let the fact that the music is mostly too slow, same-sounding and boring for MJ stop me having a good time. I knew before I stared dancing who the DJ was - that didn't stop me dancing either.

    oooo Andy you little fibber.

    I don't do Tango, so what? thats my choice, no shame.

    This funky stuff isn't for every one.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gus View Post
    Guys,come on ... just STOP IT! If you want to throw handbags at each other set up your own 'bitch-fest' thread.

    Maybe a surprising star for me on the DJing was Nigel Standeven (?) ...
    I loved Nigel's sets

    They can't help it

    Quote Originally Posted by Andy McGregor View Post
    Hey, I posted a genuine review. It was a fab weekend. I posted "The Bad" with "The Good" in the hope that it will be all good next time. I felt that there was too much of that slow rap "Mary had a little lamb" gangsa poetry slow stuff played in succession during the afternoons so I said so. When you have only one room for people to dance I believe it should provide a varied mix of music - the afternoon stuff that was being played while the workshops were being run had, IMHO, too little variation in tempo and style - it was mostly slow, mostly modern and mostly lacking in melodic quality (there wasn't much of a tune). That wasn't just when Lee was playing and I never said it was - I wasn't singling Lee out for criticism, it's not all about him.
    Andy, it dose come across as a 'Lee's' issue.

    and I think any of this music would be to much for you.

    Quote Originally Posted by stumac View Post
    but anyone with any morals will ditch the monopoly that is Ceroc and support the independents.
    hang on one minute, posting that anyone with morals will ditch ceroc and support only the independents has really insulted me!

    I believe I have morals and i'm not taking sides I have booked (and paid) for CerocPort, and Skeggy, I will make my own mind up. There are lots of things I'm not happy with 'in life', you only have to read Andy Mc and Lee to realise that 'reason' can sometimes go out of the window and personal issues come into it, if it was My choice ceroc would have left Southport well alone, I told Mike myself months ago.

    so don't tell me i'm immoral cos I have booked CerocPort.

    I might take your comment about anyone have morals more serious if I knew who I was directing my comments to.

    I almost neaver neg rep, but its on its way to you.

    Quote Originally Posted by rubyred View Post

    The girly handbag dances, we will have to keep that as a feature.

    Fletch, you always shine darling in the most dignified and elegant way Lol xx

    The not so good

    Trouble wasn't there and I missed you gorgeous.

    Hearing that there is a thief about, that is bad, bad, bad.

    Thank you Jon and Wes for a great time, and for the personal touch that makes for a dancing event with a difference.
    I love the girlie handbag dances.

    Not allways but i'm trying RubyRed, thank you for showing me the way, I follow your lead.

    I missed Trouble also.

    Poor Danni from Bristol it was her birthday (19) and she had her purse stolen, thank you to every one how choped in we rasied £17 wich helped with there fule to get home.

    John and Wes know us so well and there are many of us that enjoy little personal touches that realy make a differnce, I have had room 234 for a long time and every one knows how to find me, this make a real differnce to my SP

    Quote Originally Posted by johnah View Post
    On behalf of Wes and I, thank you to everyone who attended the Last Ever Southport as we all knew and loved. It was a truly memorable and emotional experience.

    Advance bookings have been phenomenal. Thank you to the 873 dancers who booked in over the weekend for February and the 655 dancers who booked in for June.
    as one chapter ends a new one beggins in the book of life.

    the number speak for themselves.

    see you at Skeggy.


    Quote Originally Posted by David Bailey View Post

    Again, if you read my posts rather than just imagining

    its not just me then ?

  16. #76
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    Re: Southport September 08 The Aftermath

    I thought I would write a review on this awesome weekend so (with a WCS bias) here goes:

    The Good

    The people: It is the people who make Southport so great and not just the people that you already know but haven’t seen for ages or the ones that you meet and become friends with but also the random strangers who give off the vibe that they are having a great time and enjoying themselves. I had some amazing dances and some funny dances with a whole range of people both old and new. I also watched so many people having a great time and enjoying themselves on the dance floor and some that were inspiring to watch.

    The cabaret was amazing and almost felt like a mini show. Robert and Nicola always seem to put so much emotion into their performances and this really sells their routines. Paul and Cat’s routine was breathtaking and I can’t wait to see how it is received over in the States. Robert, Nicola and Cat’s final routine was awesome, I was especially impressed with the level of acting that Cat put into the performance; it was like she was a different person.

    The performance class routine seemed shorter this time.

    The DJs played some really great sets. I especially enjoyed Zebra Woman’s and Toby’s sets in the Blues Room; a good mix of tunes and some interesting and challenging tracks to dance to. I also enjoyed Richard’s set in the main room on Sat night/Sun morning as it had a good mix of funky songs.

    The Marquee had much more atmosphere this time; it is amazing what can be achieved with a little seating and lighting. I had some great dances in there and both Greg and Graham played some great sets.

    Staying up for over 24 hours on Sat and dancing through to breakfast and then sitting down and eating with everyone else (crazy people every last one of them!). I am not sure if it was worth it in the long run (I was shattered on Sun night) but it was a great experience and one that I had not achieved at previous Southports. The free DVD was a nice touch from John and Wes. I think that doing the line dance class afterwards was a little ambitious and although it was fun everything from my head to my feet hurt!

    The Not So Good

    Although I could understand that both John and Wes were speaking from the heart and were very emotional on Sat night I thought that they went a bit too much into the situation surrounding the end of Southport as we know and love it and it produced an air of tension making some people feel a little uncomfortable.

    The floor in the Marquee was not the greatest but it was at least better than no extra room.

    The bar area still seemed to get a bit of stigma for hotshots


    A great event with far more highs than lows. It was a last minute decision to go and one that I don’t regret in any way. I hope that the move to Skegness carries the same people with it who make the event so great. Thank you to all the people who danced with me and helped me have such an awesome weekend. Finally and by NO means least, thank you to John, Wes and their entire team for putting on such a great event this weekend and over the last 5 years.

    Southport is dead; long live Eclipse!

  17. #77
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    Re: Southport September 08 The Aftermath

    Ok sport fans where do I start???

    What a truly marvellous and memorable weekend it is now 11 o clock on Tuesday and I am aching in places that I haven;t even been to.

    Lets get the muffin top shirt out of the way....SORRY not my best sartorial decision, but what the hell, I have lost 8 inches off my waist and I just got carried away with it.

    Dances, did not have a mediocre dance all weekend, every one of my dances was brilliant, I thought I was going to explode with happiness at one point.

    The standard of dancing was inspiring, as many of you know I had the occassional dance as a follower. I am not going to name everyone as I may as well name most of the Forum and shed loads of non Forumites as well.

    Under Par did things to me that had me squeeeling and I had to close my eyes and jusr react to his lead and signals.

    Dance of the weekend was with Pretselmeister, always spell his name wrong, just an ordinary dance late in the blues room that turned into something magnificent. We could win competitions us 2 I am sure of it.

    Did a load of tagging and the women loved the full attention of 2 men dancing with them.

    Had a lot of women say to me ..." You follow better than a lot of women here." Which is a real complinent as I have worked long and hard on me following.

    Music was superb, Dance Demon you are a God. Lee Bartholamew did a blinding set.

    INHO it is the dancers that make SP special and if we all migrate with Jon and Wes then the buzz and excitment will come with us.

    Many many thanks to everyone who did me the honour of dancing with me and I look forward to seeing you all at Eclipse.

    A very tired and cwtchy DTS XXX XXX

  18. #78
    Formerly known as DavidJames David Bailey's Avatar
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    Re: Southport September 08 The Aftermath

    Quote Originally Posted by fletch View Post
    its not just me then ?
    No - maybe it's a Midlands thing...

  19. #79
    B.O.G.O.F. fletch's Avatar
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    Re: Southport September 08 The Aftermath

    Quote Originally Posted by Poi Boi View Post

    The other dancers on the floor of the Blues Room (I barely left it). I spent many a track when not dancing just watching people,

    so you got some dances then? even with your black and white shoes on

    Quote Originally Posted by Cruella View Post
    Is it too early for a 'Who's going to Eclipse - Feb' poll.
    No get it on Cru.


    Quote Originally Posted by Rocky View Post
    Hmm... noticed Mike was sporting a new handbag yesterday and some VERY sparkly new shoes....
    I could post

    well he's nicked every think else,

    did I say that ?

    my sence of humor didn't go down well a few times.

    Told Phil Webb he should dance in a slot to keep his lady safe, it must be 6 months since I made him bite you know I love you Phil you should know me by now.

    Quote Originally Posted by Cruella View Post
    Were they orange?
    they weren't mine all my orange stuff is safe.

    and the coulor was planned before all the hooooharr not to support ceroc! to all those that asked.

  20. #80
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    Re: Southport September 08 The Aftermath


    three nights of dancing with one of the best group of dancers in UK, what more can you ask for. It was a great event, sadly the end of the southport era( at least the ones run by JA) and promisingly the start of a new one: Eclipse..

    Good: Great dances, good music generally, brilliant workshops, bbq and especially all the lovely cakes and sweets brought along by different dancers (much appreciated). A nice gesture by the JA to show their appreciation by handing out spare copy of last southport DVD. Not sure if they had surplus stock and were getting rid of it, but even then it was nice touch.

    Bad: Blues room seemed to be playing a lot more faster tracks than usual, not much of a blues dancer myself, but thats the impression I got from couple of other dancer. Not that it stopped the dancers from getting on the floor
    Accommodation, again few problems for people, i rarely saw my place with all the workshops and dancing

    Dvd: Thats my biggest concern with jive addiction event at soutport, the time it takes to get the DVD's out. And this, i have to say is where Ceroc BLAZE did an excellent job.. They got the DVD's availble for purchase and collection by monday morning. this was great as you could go back to your local venue and try out the moves, you can use the dvd as a refresher. With southport, the wait for 8 weeks, seems a long time.
    Given that the workshop routines are already recorded by saturday night as also is the showcase dances and cabaret, they have a whole day sunday to edit the video for the dvd. Burning the video on to a dvd and making the required nos of copies shouldnt take more than a couple of hours max. It is definately doable, and i sincerly hope that Jive addiction look into it. I will be emailing this suggestion shortly to them and uploading it on the Jive addiction facebook profile, if you think this suggestion has any merit, please forward your suggestions to JA or offer your suggestions via facebook.
    The other issue i had with the dvd having watched the dvd is the backdrop.. Why they choose all the backdrop that made it look so artificial is beyond comprehension. Again, a simple backdrop with Jive addiction logo would have suited it much better. Anyway, these are my opinion, am sure there will be others who might differ.

    Overall, the weekender has been excellent and i am glad i was part of it. Am really forward to the Eclipse event in february and hope its is at par if not better than the southport event. For Ceroc events at southport, lets hope they stop giving preference to business thinking and put more emphasis on the actual dancing,

    signing off...

    its the maverick

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