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Thread: Southport September 08 The Aftermath

  1. #181
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    Re: Southport September 08 The Aftermath

    Quote Originally Posted by Poi Boi View Post
    well as much fun as he was in Tag, beanbags are for 'new relationships' See the big turquoise one in there, that's mine
    ok cool tell him and he will have a look u coming to utopia next friday

  2. #182
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    Re: Southport September 08 The Aftermath

    As much as I hate to break up ‘certain members’ of the forum who are acting like love birds I thought it was about time to add my review.

    First of all I have to say a huge thank you to John and Wes. What you both do comes from the heart. You really understand what dancers want and you strive to make each event even better. Thank you.

    Before attending this Southport I was really worried it was going to be all sad and that would kind of ruin the vibe that I have come to associate with Southport and that I adore. However this wasn’t the case. Yes there were tears from many people, myself included but the main emphasise was on making this the best ever Southport, and for me this is exactly what it was.

    Southport is the only place that I have been to that attracts so many awesome dancers. There is real passion on those dance floors and you feel excitement as you stand and watch. The buzz is electric and being part of that is really something very special.

    I had too many amazing dances to mention. In fact I only had one duff dance all weekend and that was early on the Friday night. I felt my own dancing take a huge leap forward as certain things just clicked. A huge thanks to Stokie for his help with this. Dancing for hours out on that decking on Sunday night was exactly what I needed. Even the rain couldn’t stop me. That memory is going to stay with me forever. It was something very special.

    Other must mention dances are Straycat – what fun we had. I love your style. Poi Boi – hot stuff and a special thanks to Wes for my private in the sunshine.

    As for the music. It was simply divine. There were times I thought it really couldn’t get any better just to have the DJ prove me wrong. Zebra Woman’s set on the Saturday night followed by Dance Demon’s until breakfast was the best combination of music I have ever heard. It was perfect. Perfect music that just fitted the time and the ambience. It was beautiful. Just saying thanks to the DJ’s afterwards didn’t seem to give them the credit that they deserved. The two of you owned those decks.

    Other great sets were from Ian Oliver. Never heard his sets before but really did like what I heard. He has assured me that Now I Can Dance has been permanently deleted from his playlists so nobody will ever have to endure that torture again. Lee also played sexy funky music which fitted so well. Just sorry that I had to sleep during some of your set so didn’t get to experience it all. Maybe in Febuary you will have a dedicated slot.

    So that was the last Southport. As we drove out of those gates I was filled with excitement. Excitement for the future. John and Wes are moving on to bigger and better things and I wish them every success.

  3. #183
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    Re: Southport September 08 The Aftermath

    Quote Originally Posted by under par View Post
    The History.


    The music is so important to a weekender BUT Southport is Southport because of the DANCERS it attracts.

    The weekend attracts the biggest quantity of the best quality dancers of any weekender. It is this that makes it in my opinion dance heaven.

    I was still chasing around late into Sunday evening trying catch up with dancers I hadn't danced with yet.

    My dancing always improves at a weekender and I felt I took another big step forward this weekend....a big big thankyou to everyone who danced with me ... as already stated before I had a BALL!!!

    My 60 shirts were again nearly all used up and my mother in law is going to be very busy soon ironing

    My thanks to MinnieM for taking the lead with many helpers to organise the BBQ it was as good as ever with many new faces joining in.

    Jan organised Raphael's surprise birthday bash on Friday too which was a really lovely part of the weekend.

    It saddened me to see the end of Jive Addictions era at Southport and I admit I shed a tear.

    Eclipse is on the horizon.... if those who appreciate the efforts of the Jive Addiction team all attend the new event at Skegness I do not see why we cannot have equally great weekenders at the new venue..... and as Paul F has quoted me previously on this thread I honestly believe that if you got all the dancers present this weekend and put them in a shed in a field... we would have a great time.

    So I have had an absolutely fabulous time .... it was tinged with a little sadness but I am optimistic about the future and cannot wait for Eclipse.

    and Dave the Scaffolder's following has really improved but I can still make him squeal
    Make me squel, make me squel mate you do things to me that frighten the life out of me, at one stage when you dropped and slid me right across the floor I had my eyes closed and was just concentrating on your signals and full body leads.
    Stunning mate truly stunning.
    Also on the list of amazing dances are Pretzielmeister, Noel, Tiger Pants and Steven666 who is without doubt the best improved dancer of last weekend for me.

  4. #184
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    Re: Southport September 08 The Aftermath

    Where did people get all those great forum shirts from? Was it just done in a local store, or is there a good site online that you can get them made up for you? PM me with details please

  5. #185
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    Re: Southport September 08 The Aftermath

    Quote Originally Posted by Poi Boi View Post
    Where did people get all those great forum shirts from? Was it just done in a local store, or is there a good site online that you can get them made up for you? PM me with details please
    It depends wot your looking for. I got mine and DTS's from the internet, Erection specialist was one i had printed up from the local t shirt company, if you tap into your google t shirt logo and the area your from you should find loads. there are also sites on the internet that offer really great ones, ive had a couple made with crystals (cant spell the name) and they are gorgeous but too big for me now ((gloat gloat))... the best ones though are the ones you make yourself. Get some fabric glue and off ya go.

  6. #186
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    Re: Southport September 08 The Aftermath

    Sikorsky or something similar Trouble had a DTS one made in pink for me but unfortunatly it is like a tent on me now.

    Which is a shame because it is pink and sparkly Gorgeous it is.

  7. #187
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    Re: Southport September 08 The Aftermath


  8. #188
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    Re: Southport September 08 The Aftermath

    Quote Originally Posted by sway View Post
    didnt realise andy was going to this event lol
    Sorry, I can't make it on Saturday. I've got my own event to run. I was in Watford on Sunday night dropping off Anja at Watford Junction Station and spotted the venue too. Steven, you know I'd have come if I could, because you are such a catch, you are the most handsomest man on the forum with 666 in his name

    It may be that you can't wait for me and take up with another "certain forumite" instead. It's another missed opportunity for me in a lifetime of missed opportunities

  9. #189
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    Re: Southport September 08 The Aftermath

    Hold on Andy Mcgregor I have just spotted you Status...More sexier than Dave The Scaffolder.....

    I must agree! You is, without doubt the most gorgeous man to grace the dance floor, I am but a horny youth to your Devilishly handsome self.

  10. #190
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    Re: Southport September 08 The Aftermath

    Quote Originally Posted by Andy McGregor View Post
    I was in Watford on Sunday night dropping off Anja at Watford Junction Station
    Good thing too, as otherwise she wouldn't have been dancing at the Dome on Wednesday.

    Did I mention where I was on Wednesday?

  11. #191
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    Re: Southport September 08 The Aftermath

    Quote Originally Posted by David Bailey View Post
    Good thing too, as otherwise she wouldn't have been dancing at the Dome on Wednesday.

    Did I mention where I was on Wednesday?
    Do you ever wonder if there's more than about 60 people in the world?

  12. #192
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    Re: Southport September 08 The Aftermath

    Quote Originally Posted by Aleks View Post
    Gesundheit !!!

  13. #193
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    Re: Southport September 08 The Aftermath

    Quote Originally Posted by Andy McGregor View Post
    Do you ever wonder if there's more than about 60 people in the world?
    There's certainly no more than 60 people doing AT in the world, I know that for a fact.

    I reckon there's about 10 WCSers around - that explains how MikeyR keeps on winning all these titles.

  14. #194
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    Re: Southport September 08 The Aftermath

    Quote Originally Posted by dave the scaffolder View Post
    Hold on Andy Mcgregor I have just spotted you Status...More sexier than Dave The Scaffolder.....

    I must agree! You is, without doubt the most gorgeous man to grace the dance floor, I am but a horny youth to your Devilishly handsome self.
    I'm pleased you know your place. I'll leave my shoes outside my room. Make sure they're polished by the time you knock on my door to let my know you've left me my breakfast

  15. #195
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    Cool Re: Southport September 08 The Aftermath

    First off like your review STOKIE... especially the WCS bit,, as for me hit the nail right on the head as if you like a track just dance to it regardless of style !! Setting the scene is D/D in the blues room as the new beginner watches the crazy dancers strutting there stuff alas... Jedi WCS dancer Vs Master Jive Dancer at the bar area,,,,,Moving On ..Just to say hi and BIG goes to my fellow DJ's and redbull,, sorry I didn't get the time to dance to some of your slots and BIG RESPECT goes to all those dancers who make it what it is,, and those hard core dancers who listened to the last and final set of an era of mine early mon morning it was an honour.. although a very tired one thank you,,, thanks for those who chatted to me whilst I was freezing sitting there too. hence Man Flu after event feeling wrecked..sorry snow white didn't get a dance always next time also thanks for my lovely dances to those people you know who you are...

  16. #196
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    Re: Southport September 08 The Aftermath

    Quote Originally Posted by Andy McGregor View Post
    I'm pleased you know your place. I'll leave my shoes outside my room. Make sure they're polished by the time you knock on my door to let my know you've left me my breakfast
    OOH I love it when you tell me what to do.

  17. #197
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    Re: Southport September 08 The Aftermath

    Only just back home from Southport, after taking a scenic route. I don't have much to add, it looks like it's all been said here, and (as expected) I had a great time.

    Not much time for dancing, I think I'm getting to grips with this working all night thing, and the only way for me to cope is to sleep at almost any opportunity, (even during a wonderfully sunny barbeque where cake is overflowing.) Despite my lack of dancing, I still managed fab dances in all 4 rooms, day and night. Sadly I had to cut short my all night partying on Sunday night due to injury, so the traditional apology to all those I didn't get to dance with.

    Much has been said about the marquee not attracting the WCS dancers, from the crowds I saw in there, this is complete nonsense. The WCS dances I had in there, I was wanting more space. I think for all 3 nights it overran the timetable by at least an hour. So although some dancers don't like to make the short walk to check it out, there's no shortage of those that will.

    So with all this work, the buzz for me was mostly about people enjoying the music, whether old or new. (Contrasted by fear for the track(s) that didn't go down so well!) Plus, of course, catching up with so many friends, I'm looking forward to doing it all again in 145 days...


  18. #198
    B.O.G.O.F. fletch's Avatar
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    Re: Southport September 08 The Aftermath

    Quote Originally Posted by Poi Boi View Post
    Where did people get all those great forum shirts from? Was it just done in a local store, or is there a good site online that you can get them made up for you? PM me with details please
    I get loads of things done, towles, mugs, suit cases, most things realy, let me know and i'll sort it for the next weekender.

  19. #199
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    Re: Southport September 08 The Aftermath

    Been having problem logging on t'internet this week so just posting this now.

    As always a fantastic weekend.
    I loved Southport. I loved meeting up with the people I only see there. I loved chilling in the afternoon on the decking, with a bottle of pear cider, listening to some top music, watching some amazing dancing, and chatting with some lovely people.
    I loved going to the BBQ on a Saturday afternoon, Minnie Mouse, you are the hostess with the mostest. Thank you for all your hard work over the years ( pity some people were conspicuous by their absence at the last one)

    I loved being part of a great team of DJs, all doing their bit to make the Southport experience special, finding new and exciting music for everyone to dance to
    I loved playing through the night, watching the sun come up. To all the people who shared those nights with me, a huge thank you. These nights were really special to me and will be a memory I will always cherish

    I loved watching some superb cabaret performances, from the Likes of Jordan & Tatiana, Robert & Deborah, Parker & Jessica, Robert & Nicola, Arjay & Melissa, Vincent & flavia, Anton & Erin, not forgetting Amir, Nigel & Nina, Paul & Cat, adam & taz...amd many more...

    I loved seeing the effort that some people put in to their fancy dress costumes and the fun they had at the Saturday night party.

    I loved classes like Andy McGregors double trouble class. One of the most entertaining classes I've ever seen. the look of joy on faces of the people who took part told the whole story.

    Most of all I loved being part of a revolution in dance weekenders. It evolved over five years to be the highlight of the dance year. It will now be just a fond memory for me.
    So Skegness it is one revolution ends, a new one begins, and I have no doubt that it will eclipse all that has gone before.......and I'm excited at the prospect
    John & Wes, thank you for everything you have done....and for everything you are about to do
    Last edited by Dance Demon; 21st-September-2008 at 05:32 PM.

  20. #200
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    Re: Southport September 08 The Aftermath

    Quote Originally Posted by fletch View Post
    I get loads of things done, towles, mugs, suit cases, most things realy, let me know and i'll sort it for the next weekender.
    fletch can you get me another tshirt black one with white writing on it, with bigger writing thanks let me know...

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