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Thread: Winter Blues or is it just SAD

  1. #41
    Registered User Twirly's Avatar
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    Re: Winter Blues or is it just SAD

    Quote Originally Posted by Beowulf1970 View Post
    Seriously thinking about getting a pair as they're not expensive in the least... depends on shipping though.
    Aren't you moving south though Sweetie... You won't need those down here. We're lucky if the snow actually settles!

    (famous last words of course... )

  2. #42
    Registered User Beowulf's Avatar
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    Re: Winter Blues or is it just SAD

    Quote Originally Posted by Twirly View Post
    Aren't you moving south though Sweetie... You won't need those down here. We're lucky if the snow actually settles!

    (famous last words of course... )
    yes my sweet.. However, every winter.. without fail I end up on my back staying at the sky when the first flake of snow lands and ends up underfoot. The MetOffice are planning to install a collision detection system into the seat of my trousers as an early warning system to help them warn others of impending frosty conditions.

    it's always really embarrassing being helped to you feet by an octogenarian with a zimmer frame !!

  3. #43
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    Re: Winter Blues or is it just SAD

    Quote Originally Posted by Beowulf1970 View Post
    Have revisited this thread and the above link. The link no longer works but it wasn't hard to find them again Here or Here
    I'm wondering though how would they work on pavements with just a thin coating of ice? I suppose as the heels are free then you'd put more weight there than when you walk on ice/snow.

    if I thought they would work I would most certainly buy a pair and be dashed with how silly I may look. Anything that keeps me up on my feet and not on my backside in a pile of icy slush is not a bad thing.

    Seriously thinking about getting a pair as they're not expensive in the least... depends on shipping though.

    I had to laugh at this though.. hehe it looks like a cross between a balaclava and a gimp mask
    Saw these at my local outdoors store (Outdoor Clothing, Climbing and Camping Equipment | Cotswold Outdoor>) recently so I'm sure you'd be able to get them in the UK

  4. #44
    Registered User Miss Flicts's Avatar
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    Re: Winter Blues or is it just SAD

    Quote Originally Posted by Little Monkey View Post
    It's that time of year again...... Dark, cold, rainy. Yuck. I do struggle with depression anyway, but in winter it gets ten times worse! So, anyone else out there who struggle with low moods in the dark season? And what do you do to help yourself?
    This might sound bonkers but I seriously find it helps if I make my house (especially living room) super-cosy in winter (not just Xmas). I have white fairy lights all around the fire and other places, and change the tablecloth/cushions etc to rich red instead of cream. It's so cosy and lovely that there is a real excitement every day about drawing the curtains and 'lighting up' the lounge at dusk. It makes me feel there is a special homey feel to winter rather than just missing summer.

    I know it sounds trivial but it does make a difference for me. By the time it gets to February though, I'm not sure if anything helps...winter is just too damn long in this country!

  5. #45
    Registered User Lynn's Avatar
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    Re: Winter Blues or is it just SAD

    Quote Originally Posted by Miss Flicts View Post
    This might sound bonkers but I seriously find it helps if I make my house (especially living room) super-cosy in winter (not just Xmas). I have white fairy lights all around the fire and other places, and change the tablecloth/cushions etc to rich red instead of cream. It's so cosy and lovely that there is a real excitement every day about drawing the curtains and 'lighting up' the lounge at dusk. It makes me feel there is a special homey feel to winter rather than just missing summer.
    I do this too - fairy lights on sticks, candles on the hearth etc. I even set some welcome lights this morning in the window to come on a timer just before I get home so its not dark when walking in.

    I do think its a series of little things that will help - my list
    - making the room 'cosy' as above
    - don't have a dawn simulator but do have a lamp on timer so room has light on when I wake up
    - getting out at lunchtime - even if only for 10 mins
    - try to eat properly
    - caffeine!
    - make sure I get out at weekends during the daylight hours
    - make myself go dancing to boost energy levels
    - try to get one thing done each evening - even if not much
    - try to stay awake through evening so I can sleep properly at night

    It doesn't all work though - last winter was a struggle every day. Some days are OK. I am able to get up in the mornings (though I do take a Proplus!) but by the time I get home from work I am so tired I can't do anything. You keep thinking 'I'll feel better tomorrow/at the weekend/next week' and things just pile up. And I hate that I have to end up cancelling nights out, opting out of things I've planned to do, having to cut back on voluntary commitments or have to take time off work to honour commitments.

    A week in Gran Canaria will help - if I had the energy to think about packing!

    A friend has offered to lend me a lightbox for a couple of weeks to see if that helps.

  6. #46
    Forum Bombshell - Our Queen! Lory's Avatar
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    Re: Winter Blues or is it just SAD

    I usually suffer quite a bit. Things like, struggling to wake up and get out of bed in the mornings and a feeling of generally lethargy but so far so good this year.

    I couldn't say if its just coinsidence or if it's made a real difference but the main things i've changed this year are, I walk every morning, plus I go to the gym.

    Maybe its the daylight from the walks or maybe it the general increase in fitness levels.. who's knows

    But I'm enjoying not feeling like a wet weekend everyday, thats for sure!
    "If you're going to do something tonight, that you know you'll be sorry for in the morning, plan a lie in." Lorraine

  7. #47
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    Re: Winter Blues or is it just SAD

    Quote Originally Posted by Lory View Post
    I usually suffer quite a bit. Things like, struggling to wake up and get out of bed in the mornings and a feeling of generally lethargy but so far so good this year.

    I couldn't say if its just coinsidence or if it's made a real difference but the main things i've changed this year are, I walk every morning, plus I go to the gym.

    Maybe its the daylight from the walks or maybe it the general increase in fitness levels.. who's knows
    If I went for a walk before work it would be in darkness. I think its the daylight, though the exercise will be helping too. But if you are really tired you won't want to exercise. I joined a gym last year but was always too tired to go - many weeks my only night out was Ceroc and that was because I was crew and had to go.

    I always only ever had a mild form until last year and it was because I worked part time or had some flexibility in my job so that I was able to be out and about at least some days during the week in daylight. Not seeing daylight for 5 full days each week seems to be what has really hit me hard.

    And much as I try to get out for a walk at lunchtime - today I had to get petrol and get something in Boots. I only get 45 mins and have to drive to the shops so didn't even get time to eat, never mind a 10 min walk. I've been out standing by the window looking out longingly. People are allowed smoke breaks - I think employers should allow SAD breaks of 10 mins in the afternoon!

    I'm planning on hopefully changing my work patterns - to have more flexible and varied working in future years. I might have a lot less money, but at least I won't feel like I don't have a life for 6 months of the year!

  8. #48
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    Re: Winter Blues or is it just SAD

    Quote Originally Posted by Lynn View Post
    Not seeing daylight for 5 full days each week seems to be what has really hit me hard.
    How easy would it be to get your workspace moved to near a window?

  9. #49
    Registered User Twirly's Avatar
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    Re: Winter Blues or is it just SAD

    Lynn, that sounds awful

    Trying the light box sounds like a good idea, but have you seen your doctor about this if this doesn't work for you?

  10. #50
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    Re: Winter Blues or is it just SAD

    Quote Originally Posted by Aleks View Post
    How easy would it be to get your workspace moved to near a window?
    It is near a window, but I work in a forest so the trees limit the amount of light that gets in. I walk over to another one sometimes and look out.

    Quote Originally Posted by Twirly View Post
    Trying the light box sounds like a good idea, but have you seen your doctor about this if this doesn't work for you?
    I tried that last winter - he asked 'do you cry easily?' - taken aback a bit and being more of a 'get on with things' personality in general, I said I didn't think so. He said dismissively 'Then you aren't depressed and can't have SAD'. And that was that. I did feel a bit feeble going to the doctor in the first place and saying 'I'm tired and demotivated' because everyone has busy lives and feels tired.

    I have thought of going back and seeing another doctor but they would prob give me anti-depressants and/or recommend getting out and exercising.

    Because last winter was the first it was so bad you don't realise, you just think 'I'm a bit tired today, I've been over doing it, I'm a bit stressed this week' etc. Then you look back over several months and realise its been like that every day for months and you've not been able to get anything done and you feel like life is on hold.

    I've just got to get through Dec and Jan and then I am hopefully changing my working patterns for a while at least.

  11. #51
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    Re: Winter Blues or is it just SAD

    I'd still go back to the docs if I was you. And if it's that bad, and the light box doesn't work, then maybe anti-depressants, or St John's Wort (if it works for you) might be the answer, just for the winter months.

    Also, has the lethargy set in yet? If you can get in the habit of getting the exercise before it does, it might help with the energy levels - raise them so that the never do plummet to quite the same degree.

    One other thought - do you get enough iron and zinc in your diet? Lack of either can result in tiredness - and taking too much of one can, I believe, interfere with absorption of the other. You used to be able to buy a taste test for zinc, but I was Googling it and couldn't find anything on sale here. Vegetarians tend to be deficient - I often take a supplement if I'm feeling tired and run-down.

    Good luck though, whatever you decide to do.

  12. #52
    Registered User Lynn's Avatar
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    Re: Winter Blues or is it just SAD

    Quote Originally Posted by Twirly View Post
    I'd still go back to the docs if I was you. And if it's that bad, and the light box doesn't work, then maybe anti-depressants, or St John's Wort (if it works for you) might be the answer, just for the winter months.
    I did phone up to make an appt last week but they were closed for flu jabs and I haven't rung back . I want to try the light box. You do keep telling yourself 'I just need to pull myself together, I just need an early night, I'll feel better tomorrow or at the weekend'.

    Quote Originally Posted by Twirly View Post
    Also, has the lethargy set in yet? If you can get in the habit of getting the exercise before it does, it might help with the energy levels - raise them so that the never do plummet to quite the same degree.

    One other thought - do you get enough iron and zinc in your diet? Lack of either can result in tiredness - and taking too much of one can, I believe, interfere with absorption of the other. You used to be able to buy a taste test for zinc, but I was Googling it and couldn't find anything on sale here. Vegetarians tend to be deficient - I often take a supplement if I'm feeling tired and run-down.

    Good luck though, whatever you decide to do.
    I tried supplements last year, currently focusing on getting a balanced diet. Its definitely daylight related - I have plenty of energy in the summer. I was stressed this summer, lost weight, but still had OK energy levels.

    Its not just feeling a bit tired, a lot of evenings its literally being unable to stay upright! If I can force myself to activity it helps a lot - did some dance practice last night and that helped.

    To be honest though, I can cope with feeling tired, I can push myself on. Its the lack of motivation to do anything that gets me down.

    Sorry, I feel awful now for going on about it. I'm not feeling sorry for myself, I'm just fed up with it all. I can't be the only one though who feels like this.

  13. #53
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    Re: Winter Blues or is it just SAD

    Quote Originally Posted by Lynn View Post
    A friend has offered to lend me a lightbox for a couple of weeks to see if that helps.
    I now have a lightbox on loan for a month from a friend. He said that should be long enough to see if it makes a difference and if so I might be able to get one a bit cheaper in January.

    I've already tried sitting in front of it, I've been out dancing so I have energy tonight anyway.

    Will report back on how useful it is, but I'm feeling hopeful it will help.

  14. #54
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    Re: Winter Blues or is it just SAD

    Quote Originally Posted by Lynn View Post
    And much as I try to get out for a walk at lunchtime - today I had to get petrol and get something in Boots. I only get 45 mins and have to drive to the shops so didn't even get time to eat, never mind a 10 min walk. I've been out standing by the window looking out longingly. People are allowed smoke breaks - I think employers should allow SAD breaks of 10 mins in the afternoon!
    If your colleagues are allowed smoke breaks, why shouldn't you be allowed to take "fresh air breaks". Assuming that someone is able to cover for you/answer your phone, why don't you take a cup of tea outside and stand in the fresh air for a bit. Provided that you make the time up, no reasonable employer is going to mind, especially as you will probably be more wide awake and productive if you have just had some sunlight/fresh air. Why not try this, and see if it improves things?

    (I don't expect sympathy, but just to express another viewpoint. I really miss the long summer evenings I used to have when I lived in Inverness; the day length hardly varies during the year here in Brisbane. Whilst you don't get the short days of winter here, you also don't get the lovely long days of summer either, with the ability to do whatever you fancy in the evening, and not having to worry about it getting dark at 6.30ish pm)

  15. #55
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    Re: Winter Blues or is it just SAD

    Quote Originally Posted by SteveK View Post
    If your colleagues are allowed smoke breaks, why shouldn't you be allowed to take "fresh air breaks".
    None of my colleagues smoke, so I can't use that excuse.

    Quote Originally Posted by SteveK View Post
    Assuming that someone is able to cover for you/answer your phone, why don't you take a cup of tea outside and stand in the fresh air for a bit.
    I should actually take a proper afternoon tea break, tend to forget or use the time on here instead!

    I did step outside yesterday and just walk round the building - it was only for a minute but it was nice to get outside.

    I think if I get out at lunchtimes for 10 mins and then use the lightbox when I get home, things will improve.

    Quote Originally Posted by SteveK View Post
    I don't expect sympathy, but just to express another viewpoint. I really miss the long summer evenings I used to have when I lived in Inverness; the day length hardly varies during the year here in Brisbane.
    Yes, can sympathise. I've lived near the equator - pretty much 6-6 daylight and I missed both the bright early mornings and the evenings. I love long summer evenings and I would really miss them too.

  16. #56
    Registered User Lynn's Avatar
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    Re: Winter Blues or is it just SAD

    Its that time of year again. I've just been away for 10 days in the Canaries so had lots of sun - but am aware its heading into the dark days and winter tiredness.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lynn View Post
    Will report back on how useful it is, but I'm feeling hopeful it will help.
    I realised when I dug up this thread that I hadn't actually reported back on this. Apparently light therapy helps 2 out of 3 SAD sufferers - so its worth trying it before investing in buying one if you're not sure.

    I had a loan of one for two months last winter and it definitely helped me. I admit to being somewhat sceptical as to how effective it would be, but was prepared to give it a try. It made a big difference, mostly to my energy levels but I'm sure it helped my mood as well. It transformed winter for me. I returned it to my friend at the end of Jan but my work/study patterns changed at that point so I wasn't having to be in a dark office all day.

    I've just ordered one. After looking at various websites and reviews, I've opted for the same one that I borrowed last year - the Britebox.

    Its expensive, but I know it works for me and it will definitely be worth it.

  17. #57
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    Re: Winter Blues or is it just SAD

    Thanks for this - I hadn't found this thread and I have been considering buying a lightbox. Thanks for the advice.

    Cheers Whitetiger

  18. #58
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    Re: Winter Blues or is it just SAD

    Quote Originally Posted by whitetiger1518 View Post
    Thanks for this - I hadn't found this thread and I have been considering buying a lightbox. Thanks for the advice.

    Cheers Whitetiger
    This is the one I have just ordered and I used last winter. A friend is thinking of getting the Litepod (also on that site) - its a lot smaller and more portable (and cheaper!), but you need to sit longer in front of it.

    There seems to be variation in bulb type, size and how long you need to use them for. I've gone for the Britebox mainly cos its the one I used, it worked, I can fold it up and store it easily when not using it etc.

  19. #59
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    Re: Winter Blues or is it just SAD

    Thanks I have bookmarked that for future perusal. That is going to be very helpful.

    Cheers Whitetiger

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