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Thread: Eclipse Skegness June 2009 - The Aftermath

  1. #41
    Registered User frodo's Avatar
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    Re: Eclipse Skegness June 2009 - The Aftermath (was Smeggy)

    Quote Originally Posted by NickC View Post
    I hated what ceroc did to JA, but had to go to Southport, and compared to JA it was crap, the dancers were poor and I hate dancing with women that can't dance.
    Quote Originally Posted by martingold View Post
    sadly this one quote says an awful lot about you nickc shame on you
    Is it morally wrong to hate/not enjoy dancing with ladies who cannot dance ?

    Granted it could be wrong to tell a lady you hate dancing with here, or refuse to dance with them ?

    Why shouldn't feel free to express what he feels when it isn't directed at anyone in particular ?

  2. #42
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    Re: Eclipse Skegness June 2009 - The Aftermath (was Smeggy)

    Quote Originally Posted by frodo View Post
    Is it morally wrong...blah, blah, blah
    We don't care, this is the aftermath thread for Skeggy...if you wanna discuss dancing morality go start your own thread and don't derail this one.

  3. #43
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    Re: Eclipse Skegness June 2009 - The Aftermath

    mmm interesting to read everybody's different aspects but one thing that screams out so far and what i understand many found a problem is sharing a dance weekend with non dancers.


    Accomodation is brilliant. Its dry clean and wonderfully spacious but, we were so far away we actually had sea views on both sides of the chalet, this on its own is not a problem BUT and here is the big BUT... we got back and into bed 7.30am Saturday morning from a fantastic nite in JAks, great music, great company, great great evening. Looking forward to a good sleep, instead, got woken up at 9.20am by screaming/playing children/toddlers outside the chalet. This is not a problem on its own and for a normal holiday camp but as a dancer, who wants to enjoy every moment of the weekend, this is a major problem. Spent Saturday miserable and tired as had sleep deprevation as well as a very small hangover.
    Saturday nite, recovered enough to get out at midnight and had managed a kip saturday afternoon, got back earlier but still it was 5am. Woken up again 9.40am kids playing. Overall, this ruined the weekend for us. We went home Sunday nite not because of any other reason other than no sleep with the prospect of more of the same Monday morning.


    We did not leave Jaks so we cant comment on the other rooms. I loved every single set but mostly, Dance Demon who is a blues god and Blue Shoes did some great music along with Tessalicious. Music definately improved BUT, its not the blues room that Southport enjoys. This is not down to the music alone but to the ambience of the room i think. Jaks verses Souhtport blues room and outside decking...... no comparison.


    What made Jaks for me this weekend was the great company we had. Aside from the obvious Scarface, Sam and Gav, there were so many lovely faces and lovely dances had that it would not have mattered if we were in the middle of a field.

    Only complaint about the hall itself was the heat. There was only one fan at one end of the hall itself, this was not enough and should have had at least two in there or the big industrial one we had with littler ones around the edges. It was awful the heat.


    We didnt get to any of the classes, too exhausted due to lack of sleep but from what i hear, they were good.

    Would we go back?

    I think that me and Scarface make a good weekend dont matter where we are, so can we say we would never go back, no we cant as we have restrictive issues that means we have not always got the choice we would like but given the choice of Southport, Camba or Skegness. Skegness would be last choice. This is nothing to do with what Jive Addiction do or what Ceroc do but purely based on the mixing of dancers and non dancers. This is a pure put off for me and Scarface and we would always pick a pure dance weekender against a mix.


    Muggles aside, we still had a fantstic weekend, full of laughs, lots of great dances and wonderful moments. We both met some new forumites this weekend and had the usual and gorgeous cakes, drunk moments, hangovers, wet knicker laughter, great music, great gossip, great company and overall worth the time off and the money.

    John and Wes, do us all a favour and find a venue thats just dancers. We dont need kids around us, to be quite honest wronguns when it comes to the families and the misunderstanding that they should be making a noise when we wanna sleep and vice versa.

    thanks to all for the great dances and pics willl be on facebook tommorow. Too knackered to do it today.


  4. #44
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    Re: Eclipse Skegness June 2009 - The Aftermath (was Smeggy)

    Quote Originally Posted by Double Trouble View Post
    We don't care, this is the aftermath thread for Skeggy...if you wanna discuss dancing morality go start your own thread and don't derail this one.
    Just for the record my apartment although a car ride way from the venue had no kids playing outside at 8am. So I clould sleep in till late

    ps no seagulls as well . I spent 3 mins on the beach looked at the 32 wind turbines out at sea and thought this could be a good setting for a Dr Who episode , then went back

    The standard of dancing was very high

  5. #45
    Registered User frodo's Avatar
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    Re: Eclipse Skegness June 2009 - The Aftermath (was Smeggy)

    Quote Originally Posted by NickC View Post
    I hated what ceroc did to JA, but had to go to Southport, and compared to JA it was crap, the dancers were poor and I hate dancing with women
    Quote Originally Posted by Froggy View Post
    Well considering modern jive is a male lead dance perhaps you should take a look at yourself before blaming the follow, it may just have been that they 'can't dance' with you!!
    As far as I can see he isn't blaming the follow, or saying it is modern jive for that matter.

    There is still a big gulf, including this event, between the quality of the classes (in terms of technique) at Jive Addiction and Ceroc weekenders.

    And the focus. People at Ceroc weekenders may be less interested in dancing and more in space hoppers (for example). Nothing wrong with that, but nothing wrong with wanting to dance with people more focused on the dancing.

    Maybe you should consider that before blaming the lead
    Last edited by frodo; 22nd-June-2009 at 09:39 PM.

  6. #46
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    Re: Eclipse Skegness June 2009 - The Aftermath

    Just had another comment on the classes. I was quite surprised that there were classes ( 2 that I attended) where the teachers made derogatory comments about teaching methods that people may have already learnt (ie a dig at ceroc, insinuating that they're wrong). Even with the politics that had gone on, I was astonished that someone would mention it on stage, given that many of the people attending Eclipse would have been involved with ceroc at some point if not currently. I didn't think it was very professional: it wasn't necessary, it just means that everyone's MJ is a different style
    Last edited by emmylou25; 22nd-June-2009 at 09:48 PM. Reason: grammar check

  7. #47
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    Re: Eclipse Skegness June 2009 - The Aftermath (was Smeggy)

    Quote Originally Posted by stewart38 View Post
    Just for the record my apartment although a car ride way from the venue had no kids playing outside at 8am. So I clould sleep in till late
    Actually I was thinking how much quieter being surrounded by parents with young kids was, than being surrounded by dancers.

    Across different weekends I've never found sharing a site a problem at all.

    Luck of the draw I guess.

  8. #48
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    Re: Eclipse Skegness June 2009 - The Aftermath (was Smeggy)

    Quote Originally Posted by straycat View Post
    I don't think I've ever danced with a woman who couldn't dance!
    You are a darling man

  9. #49
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    Re: Eclipse Skegness June 2009 - The Aftermath

    My review

    A different weekend for me, for various reasons.

    Journey - though it involved a lot of change of travel (car, plane, bus, train, another train and taxi) and therefore took a lot of time - the bits in between waiting for connections was taken up by coffee and chatting and so it was fine.

    Accomodation - almost at far end of Oyster, it was a 10 min walk to the venues, but the walk back with company was fine. Wouldn't have felt comfortable walking back on my own at night though, where I would on a dancers only site. Standard of accomodation compared to Pontins was higher and I admit this made a difference to me this weekend - I was dancing less and needing to rest more and having a comfortable bed and a shower that stayed on was great. Choices of places to eat on site was better and as we make dinner our NI catch up time this was a benefit, also good range of food in the shop.

    Classes - wasn't feeling up to doing any on Sat but watched the WCS ones and found them very helpful. On Sun did Amir's musicality class, always helps me to be better able to explain to others, the second WCS class and Night Club 2 step which was fun.

    Rooms - danced mostly in Jaks so can't really comment on the other two rooms. Jaks floor was sticky on the raised area Fri and Sat, though fine on Sun. I found it too hot Fri and Sat night, seemed cooler on Sun? I liked it as an evening blues room (aside from heat) but it didn't appeal as a daytime venue as much and that and doing other things meant I wasn't in there much in the afternoons. Aside from the heat I thought it worked really well as a blues room.

    Music - again can't really comment on much aside from Jak's which was pretty much what I'd expect. Wish I could have stayed up later and danced more into the early hours but it just wasn't possible for me this time. Didn't dance any AT but popped into the milonga on Sun night to just chill and there was some lovely music.

    Dancing - I had to take it really easy, pace myself and even so by Sat afternoon I was feeling too sore to dance. Sat night I took painkillers and came out to dance but only managed 2 and a bit (the bit being part of the 'snowball dance' after the cabaret) - but I really enjoyed the cabaret and chatting to people. Despite my dancing not really being up to form, I had some really delightful dances.

    Cake - lovely - thanks to LM and LC.

    People - (warning - mushy bit)

    This was my first Skeggy and there are clearly some issues still to be sorted out and some that are constrained by the site and have to be worked around. Positives and negatives for me in terms of site, rooms, accomodation, travel etc.

    But for me what made the weekend was the people. As soon as I arrived I felt I was 'back' even though I've never even been there before! Having been away from weekenders for a while - I felt warmly welcomed back into the weekender dancing community. All those hugs made my weekend - many were from forumites - thanks to all.

    I also enjoyed hanging out the with NI gang, we had nice relaxing chats and giggles over dinner - and of course it was fun shoe shopping with Mrs CRM.

    Seeing so many familiar faces, having hugs, chats and dances - and actually being able to be there - made this a great weekend for me.

  10. #50
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    Re: Eclipse Skegness June 2009 - The Aftermath

    Had a marvellous weekend. I spent nearly all my time in the blues room. There were a few music blips but these generally resolved fairly quickly once large hints were dropped.

    Most enjoyable sets (of the ones I heard - to be fair) prize goes to Tessalicious and Blueshoes. Magic

    Best chalet mates - Villemore and Little Monkey
    Best cakes - LemonCake and Little Monkey - thank you!
    Most drinking whilst dancing on a Sunday afternoon - various anonymous culprits (Ms White)
    Best new find of the weekend - can't possibly say. He was ruined enough by the plotting, planning and rivalry between Ms Snow W and myself. Anyway, if I told you, I have to kill you in order to make sure I got a dance with him again. And I would
    Managed to get to Amir's tango class on Saturday afternoon. Had a great time - thank you to the guys who led me with such patience. I have a new resolution to get to some tango in Scotland soon.

    The only negatives for me:
    Skeggie is a blinking long way from Dundee - 16 hours of travelling there and back. Please move Skegness.
    The heat at the back of the blues room. It was a sauna. Some fans there might make a big difference.

    As always, a great social occasion and fantastic dance after fantastic dance

  11. #51
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    Re: Eclipse Skegness June 2009 - The Aftermath

    Danny review:

    Like most people have said, journey was pretty awful. I'm in London and from door-to-door, train, underground, National Express was about 7-8 hours travelling. Sat next to the toilet room of a cramped bus full of people is ungodly.

    I loved the chalets, instead of the damp matchboxes provided by Pontins, they were little houses and the first time I walked in, I was so shocked at all the space and rooms we had, it crossed my mind that we'd perhaps be sharing the chalet with another group or something. Really no complaints about the accomm. with the only exception being that my chalet was on the edge of the universe, took forever to walk to and from.

    Found it pretty uninspiring, went in on the first night and didn't really go back. It was hot, the music wasn't really my thing and it was generally bleh.

    I'm usually in the Blues room but when I get sick of it, I'll be in the mood for mindless, fast dances to popular songs that I love. Was super-disappointed with this room. I wasn't in there thaaat much but very few of the songs made me jump up and get pumped up, a lot of people were complaining about the tunes. The floor sucked too. The room itself was cool though, loved the decor.

    The room I spent most of my time in and as usual, it was a pleasure to discover forumites among everyone. I'm sorry if you danced with me as I'm still practicing what works and what doesn't in Blues but I felt that the majority of the people in Jaks were good dancers so I was able to practice a little bit with women who could handle my many mistakes. Only gripe - the heat, one fan?!?

    Southport a few weeks ago blew this weekender out of the water for me in just about every category except accommodation but I think it was slightly better in terms of the quality of dancers than Camber. So it sort of goes in the middle. The cost of the chalet, plus travelling expenses and general costs took it to about £200 which is way too much for me, especially when a similar (and sometimes better) experience can be had from Ceroc for half the price. There are definitely some quick things JA could do to improve this weekender like online booking, more fans in rooms, better floors. But overall, I liked it.

  12. #52
    Basically lazy robd's Avatar
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    Re: Eclipse Skegness June 2009 - The Aftermath


    Fine. I am closer than many people though.


    Was pleased to be in Starfish Quay rather than Oyster Bay as was much closer to the venues and didn't find this anything like the problem I had in Feb. Was irritated by the people in the apartment above mine as their movements around the chalet were very audible and was woken early on Sat due to this. I can sympathise with Trouble (there's a first) on the different timetables of dancers and holidaymakers creating friction. I don't know how feasible discrete groupings of accomodation for dancers/non-dancers may be? I had no issues with behaviour of the other holidaymakers on site but my view may have been different if a football was thudding against my apartment wall at 9 am. Apartment was excellent, clean, no problems.

    A group of us went into the Waterworld on Sat and Sun and this was really good fun - some great water slides. Also had a reasonable meal in Sun & Moon pub.


    Reds (Main Room)
    Hardly danced in here.

    Jaks (Blues Lounge)
    Horribly hot on Fri and Sat for me but Sun night a lot better.

    Arthurs (WCS/Tango)
    Quite warm but I didn't find the floor as problematic as some (mind you, I didn't stay in there for that long) Pretty unpleasant smell in there too.

    Heard some tracks I really liked but also lots of dreadfully dirgy blues in Jaks. I know it's the Blues Lounge so it's in character and I am not going to bang on about it - just my personal impression.

    Was sleeping!

    Listened to most of Amir's Musicality class - as impressive as you'd expect.
    I think Chris and Katrina are great teachers but here I felt they talked a little too much. I think large classes need to be 'doing' as well as listening and that their approach works better in smaller classes (which is the environment in which I have encountered them previously)

    Didn't bother me.

    Weirdly, this was probably the dance weekender where I have done my least amount of dancing. Had a handful Fri evening when I arrived and a couple on Sat mid afternoon but other than that did no daytime dancing. Didn't go out until 3 am Saturday night and then barely danced (maybe a dozen in Arthur's and a half dozen in Jaks) despite staying right til the end. Made some amends on Sun night and had some excellent dances to match anything I've experienced at a previous weekender but overall I wonder why I felt so disinclined to dance at a dance weekender - the heat was one factor, sometimes dirgy music another I suppose. I still had a really enjoyable weekend but much like recent Southports that was much more to do with the people and the socialising than the music and dancing.

    I did get the feeling that numbers overall were lower than I would expect. JA have done well to get Jordan and Tatiana for Sept as they will be sufficient to draw in a lot of the WCS crowd but they are likely to be irrelevant to the main room crowd who I would imagine are the bread and butter of this kind of event. Ceroc do not seem to be close to selling out Southport either so maybe there just is fatigue in the marketplace but I do think there may be hesitation for a lot of people in booking future weekends at Skegness. I booked for September's event back in Feb and am looking forward to it but for 2010 I am not yet sure I'll be back.

  13. #53
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    Re: Eclipse Skegness June 2009 - The Aftermath

    So for some bizarre reason I couldn't get to sleep, so thought I'd write my review of the weekender....

    The journey:
    Well luckily I didn’t have to drive as after a night shift and only a quick two hour kip it wouldn’t have been advisable. As we were convoying all in all the journey took me about 6 hours! But it was very chilled out and I enjoyed the company greatly. The journey back was much quicker at about 4 hours.

    The welcome:
    I agree with emmylou there didn’t seem to be much of a welcome. Although the front room was a better location to hold the reception, last time they were more helpful ensuring everyone knew where there accommodation was and advising on where the venues were. I also had to ask about which wrist band was for female and disappointed when they said that the yellow was for ladies (but that’s because I love purple) and had expected there to be another copy of the JA booklet in the pack.

    The accommodation:
    I generally feel that the standard doesn’t really matter as I am there to dance, but there is something nice about walking in and going wow this is just almost homely. We had no problems with the room and I was surprised there were two rooms as I’d only been expecting one (useful as the other turned into a wardrobe/storage room).

    This time I didn’t really notice the muggles aside from that there were children in the room above as I heard them running about but it wasn’t a problem. I still find it hard to understand why the dancers can’t be kept together I thought it was because of the style of accommodation but this doesn’t seem to be the case. It was a shame when on Sunday night we discovered there were dancers we knew in the room next door – maybe a door sign ‘dancers here - please call in for a cuppa’ should be in the welcome pack.

    Jaks – this is my usual home, nice floor (especially Sunday as it seemed faster) and fun and friendly dancers. At times it was just too hot and the music certainly on the Saturday and Sunday afternoon did nothing for me, it seemed to be jolty.. fast track, slow track, latiny track, fast track… Sunday night was much better and CJ’s mariachi set was fabulous and well worth the lengthy applause it received, as he was on trial I’m sure J&W will see it was a success so next time hopefully it can be more CJ and less ‘safe’. Also was it just me or did they have what appeared to be deflated ceroc looking stars hanging from the ceiling…?
    Arthurs – I didn’t spend much time in there aside from Friday night when checking out the venues. I was very disappointed to see the flooring from reds had merely been moved despite all the negative feedback it had last time.
    Reds – Same problem as last year with the joins (they were just a little further apart) I didn’t stay long as it was destroying my shoes. My friend who had purchased new shoes a few weeks ago will be sending JA a bill and photos of the flooring as wow they were mangled. At one point as his partner stood on one side a tile lifted taking a chunk out of the sole. It also seemed sticky on Saturday night and I heard some people who had sweets stuck to their shoes… was there not some kind of cover on it during the butlins show?

    The music:
    I can’t comment on Reds and Arthurs as I wasn’t in there long enough. But Saturday night in Jaks I just was uninspired which seemed to be a theme amongst some of my friends. There wasn’t anything challenging and new that grabbed the attention and it meant that I was dancing with people who I feel didn’t have their heart in it, so nice dances but not the wow we usually have. Again this is personal opinion and I freely admit that the feeling of disappointment may have tainted my dances, anyhow I left at about 4.30 rather than staying up for breakfast which is unusual for me.
    Sunday as said CJ was great and Dr Chill and Tessalicious played some fabulous sets which really gave me back the fun playful dancing vibe that I’m learning to love.

    The classes:
    Lindy hop: really enjoyed this, I got up a bit late so missed the initial how to rockstep triplestep but found that for someone who was a beginner they did some nice moves, that well you could go home and show off and it would look good (mainly due to Frankies dip)
    Tango: I did the first two tango sessions, huge turn out which was well managed. I liked the break down of the dance into the four sessions and I know it was hard to try and fit it all into the short sessions.
    Julies musicality and style: having done the musicality class last time I was really disappointed with the teaching style. Rather than looking at the types, speeds and tones in the music it showed how to wave your hand when a note was held and to point at your partner when the lyrics say ‘you’. All things that can easily be picked up from watching dancers. Anyhow I sat and watched as the first 'style tip' was from a dip and I didn’t feel confident with the move/leads. Several people found there was too much spinning and they didn’t know the moves she was starting from, it also was all done to quite similar music. There were no real style tips for the guys, which was something generally commented on by a few of my friends over several workshops. Credit though to Ken who stood in to demo at the last minute.
    WCS: I’m new to this but really liked the way they broke down the dance and made it far less intimidating than I imagine it to be. I’m looking forwards to watching their dvds in the attempt to fathom it a bit more.
    Advance jive (I didn’t go to this but my friend did) he has been dancing since October and said it was all moves that he had done before and was fairly unimpressed.

    Unfortunately I didn’t make classes on Sunday due to sleep, funfair and mariachi, I wanted to shag but there were far too many women there so headed back to Jaks. In general I think 45 minutes was too short although it probably allowed classes the ability to run over.

    Highlights were actually making it to the fun fair and some impromptu arcade dancing. Meeting and dancing with Scarface and Filthy Monkey who I missed at Southport. Loved the Scottish and Irish contingents I just wish we could see more of you (maybe some more travelling is in order). Thanks to everyone who complimented me on the dress... my loved up ness and my dancing. Apologies to anyone who I may have annoyed with the continuous flash flash flash of the camera, new lense made taking photos more of a challenge than with my trusty point and shoot camera.

    I love the variety of JA events but I’m not sure I’ll be back in September. I feel the site is too big and the event lacked atmosphere, almost as though people were invisible, seeing them once then well who knows where they went. Maybe some accommodation shuffling, floor sorting, outside venueing could improve the event but we shall see what next year brings.

  14. #54
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    Re: Eclipse Skegness June 2009 - The Aftermath

    Quote Originally Posted by Koshka View Post
    Also was it just me or did they have what appeared to be deflated ceroc looking stars hanging from the ceiling…?
    I saw that too, although I just assumed it was one that Wes & Jon had put up that wasn't inflated...I hadn't made the connection that I'd seen them before at a Ceroc weekender. details, detail!

  15. #55
    The Original Scooby Dave Hancock's Avatar
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    Re: Eclipse Skegness June 2009 - The Aftermath

    I feel that I must be in the minority as I had the best time I think I've ever had at a jive weekender which was evidenced by staying out to the last dance on each of the 3 nights, perhaps it's as I don't get out to dance the jive and WCS as much as I used to but I couldn't get enough. I was normally in Jaks and really enjoyed the music, the set that Tes finished with on Sunday was outstanding and I also liked the closing sets on both of the previous evening's.

    The standard of dancer was for me as consistently high that I've found at an event and was so excited to make so many "new finds". The accommodation was considerably better than I've had at previous jive weekenders (we were in Starfish Quay though and thus didn't have a long walk) and it was so good to see so many familiar faces.

    I thought that there were a number of improvements since February and am sure that I'll see several more when I come back down in September, some people tend to forget that it often takes a number of weekender's in a specific site until the organisers get it to the state that they desire, unless of course you take over sites where others have done most of the groundwork in building it up and have confidence that John & Wes shall continue to listen to the feedback and make improvements.

    The only thing I'd want is perhaps an additional fan in Jaks towards the back as it was pretty warm especially in the early hours of the morning when the rooms were very busy.

  16. #56
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    Re: Eclipse Skegness June 2009 - The Aftermath

    Out of interest, who taught the Lindy / Balboa classes?

  17. #57
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    Re: Eclipse Skegness June 2009 - The Aftermath

    Quote Originally Posted by straycat View Post
    Out of interest, who taught the Lindy / Balboa classes?
    Paul & Natasha (I think they're from the London Swing Dance Society?).
    We didn't do the Lindy class (too tired), but the Balboa class was really good.
    They came over for a quick chat afterwards which was nice.

  18. #58
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    Re: Eclipse Skegness June 2009 - The Aftermath

    Just a quick review because I'm still knackered and can't be bothered

    I had a great weekend, much better than February. Obviously still some kinks to iron out but the effort to improve based on last time's feedback was obvious.

    I didn't find the heat in Jaks particularly bad, but maybe that's just me. The music was the usual mix, but when it comes down to it, it's mostly just personal preference anyway. I loved Dance Demon's soul set, CJ played a few good tracks despite me not usually liking Mariachi (thanks for Purple Rain, btw) and their was still a bit of DJs trying to out-wierd each other.

    I'd like to echo what others have said/hinted at. I LOVE that the accomodation is so much better than the Camber/Southport getto. That makes a big difference for me, but the one thing that really needs sorting out is the seperation of the venues and, great though they are, I don't think that's within JA's power.

    Maybe there is a better venue out there somewhere?

  19. #59
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    Re: Eclipse Skegness June 2009 - The Aftermath

    I guess one thing I would have liked to have seen with the dj's would have been a bit of info on them, aside from saying that all music was blues/wcs/I can't remember the other topic.
    If you like soul but didn't know dance demon or that they were doing a soul set you would miss out, personally I only knew three of the dj's so didn't know what kind of music they played which now seeing peoples reviews I feel I missed out on some nice sets during the day. Its like explaining what mariachi/milonga is as I had to tell several people and give them examples of the kind of music and why they would want to give it a go. May seem very basic to those who know but makes a huge difference to those who don't.

  20. #60
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    Re: Eclipse Skegness June 2009 - The Aftermath

    Quote Originally Posted by Koshka View Post
    I guess one thing I would have liked to have seen with the dj's would have been a bit of info on them, aside from saying that all music was blues/wcs/I can't remember the other topic.
    If you like soul but didn't know dance demon or that they were doing a soul set you would miss out.

    After all my pestering for some suitable swing music to Lindy Hop/Balboa to, apparently someone played half a dozen suitable tracks while I wasn't there!

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