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Thread: Review threads - your opinion?

  1. #1
    Forum Bombshell - Our Queen! Lory's Avatar
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    Review threads - your opinion?

    Reading the post below (from the recent Skeggy event), has prompted me to start this thread.
    Quote Originally Posted by djtrev View Post
    In the past after a weekender whether it was a JA or Ceroc or Franco at Camber, by late Tuesday after the event we would be wading thro loads of reviews of the event.It doesnt seem to be like that now,perhaps there is truth in the fact that people are not posting as much nowadays.If it is the case its a shame really as I always looked forward to reading the different views of those that went.
    Quote Originally Posted by stewart38 View Post
    I think a lot of people fear being slagged of for making observations so wont post.
    Quote Originally Posted by Gus View Post
    Possibly the fcat that people are either suffering fatigue from events and/or postings.
    Quote Originally Posted by fletch View Post
    I'm not sure if there scared of been slagged off or just can't be boverd! yawn
    Quote Originally Posted by Northants Girly View Post
    To be honest I just can't be bothered these days. I also feel that most folk wouldn't be interested in reading what I wrote . . . .
    Personally, I really love reading all reviews of events. To me, its the best part of this forum and therefore I'd hate to loose it.

    I do appreciate it when someone takes the time to share their experiences with 'us'

    In the past, I believe the reviews have sparked off some fantastic discussions and some of those debates have been instrumental in developing a few of the 'better' aspects of how events are now run.

    The best reviews IMO are the ones that are detailed, honest and balanced. (but I don't mind a 'little' loveiness and even the odd bit of cake drooling thrown every now and then )

    Reading Northant Girly's post struck a particular chord with me......

    I didn't post a thread on Skeggy, simply because I didn't think anyone would be very interested in 'my' views this time The reason being is, I didn't arrive till later on Saturday and spent most of my time in just one venue.
    So, I felt 'my' review would be very narrow and probably wouldn't really reflect the whole picture, so I didn't bother! (Thinks to myself, maybe I should?)

    Anyway, here's a series of questions..

    Do you like reading reviews?

    What bits of the reviews are you most interested in?

    If you don't post reviews yourself - what's the reason?

    Will you only post a review, if you have lots of positive things to say about it?

    Are you afraid if you say the negatives as well, that you will cause offence?

    Do you feel that nobody's interested in what you have to say?

    Do you think you'll be accused of having an axe to grind, if you say something positive or negative?

    Do you purposely avoid reading reviews, as your not at all interested in 'other' peoples opinions and you'll make up your own mind whether you book future events or not, purely based on the official advertising material?

    Anything else I've forgotten?
    "If you're going to do something tonight, that you know you'll be sorry for in the morning, plan a lie in." Lorraine

  2. #2
    Registered User emmylou25's Avatar
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    Re: Review threads!

    I think the review threads are one of the reasons I use this forum. As many decisions about where to go dancing are based on word of mouth, I don't see how you can just rely on flyers/a company's advertising for a good idea of whether a venue or event will suit you.

    I'm also quite happy to post reviews of my own experiences. I always try and post positive and negative points in a constructive and structured way, so that everything's in context. That way, noone can really argue that I didn't find the example as I stated.

    I do enjoy reading other people's events, and I use them to compare the ones I've been too.

    My only concern is that reading amazing events sometimes makes me hype and and overexpect from weekenders etc, which can sometimes mean I'm a little disappointed on certain points.

  3. #3
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    Re: Review threads!

    Good thread Lory.

    I love reading reviews - in fact reading weekender reviews was what made me decide to first go on a weekender!

    I like the 'mixed' reviews, with good and bad - and I like too that some of the 'bad' comments about venues or events sometimes get taken on board and the event becomes even better.

    Sometimes negative comments aren't taken quite so well, and that also informs me about the event and organisers!

    I don't mind a bit of 'luviness' either as dancing has a feel good factor, we all have those dances/nights/weekenders that leave us on a high - though preferably within a balanced post with other stuff.

    Reviews are always going to be based on personal experience of an event, but that's what makes them varied and interesting.

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    Re: Review threads - your opinion?

    Good thread Lory

    I really enjoy reading reviews of weekenders and of club nights after all this is a dance based forum so I’m interested how a dance event went and was quite dismayed to see DJ Trev and Northants Girly say they can’t be bothered to post and don’t think anyone will be interested. I am also saddened to think that the bullies are winning if people fear posting in case they are jumped upon, otherwise this ceases to be a forum if we lose discussion

    I like to see if my view of an event matches others and am also interested if others have a differing opinion and why
    I tend to post on the more positive aspects as this is more in line with my personality and I prefer to look on the positives rather than the negatives. I think if you are going to criticise an event I would like to see constructive criticism rather than just slagging off an event for the sake of it

    If I did not go to the event it is good to see what I missed it helps me decide whether to book the next time or not but if I was there it’s good to reminisce

    Please people don’t stop posting your reviews I know I’m not the only one interested in your opinions

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    Registered User jive-vee's Avatar
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    Re: Review threads - your opinion?

    I enjoy reading the review threads too - maybe it's my nosey gene I like to read what people made of the events/what worked/what didn't/fab new tracks/dance finds etc.

    I appreciate the work that people put into organising and running the events but I don't always bother to post reviews as I pretty much write the same thing each time - "I had a blast ". My belief is that, on the whole, a weekender is what "you" make of it, noone is there to make your weekend; it's up to you to do that.

    Just for the hell of it though - I had a blast haha. I did hear a fab song though that I can't figure out what it's called or who it's by or how to describe it so someone else may be able to tell me...argh!!

  6. #6
    Forum Bombshell - Our Queen! Lory's Avatar
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    Re: Review threads - your opinion?

    Quote Originally Posted by jive-vee View Post
    I did hear a fab song though that I can't figure out what it's called or who it's by or how to describe it so someone else may be able to tell me...argh!!
    Err yeah.. I think I heard that one too
    "If you're going to do something tonight, that you know you'll be sorry for in the morning, plan a lie in." Lorraine

  7. #7
    Registered User Twirly's Avatar
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    Re: Review threads - your opinion?

    Yes, I do like reading reviews.

    I tend to assume that people won't be that interested in my reviews as I don't think that many people know me or value my opinion - I'm an average sort of dancer who goes to a few weekenders, not someone who dances huge amounts, particularly these days. I don't think that I'm a luvvie either.

    I will only post something negative if I can turn it into constructive criticism - I won't slag something off for the sake of it. But then I'm just a punter who pays their money and takes their choice

    I think that the reviews are really important for the dance scene, as it helps people decide where they want to go. Particularly with the proliferation of dance events, not everyone can go to everything (though hats off to Fletch for trying ). It's interesting to see that one person's positive can be another person's negative. Although I do wish that there was some evidence that the organisers came on here and read the reviews, as they could be a really useful feedback mechanism, once any bitching is weeded out.

    What I don't like is when people misinterpret other's opinions and it all gets a bit heated. And it's usually the same old stuff...

    And yes Lory - you should post a review, it's your duty as forum Queen

  8. #8
    Forum Bombshell - Our Queen! Lory's Avatar
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    Re: Review threads - your opinion?

    Quote Originally Posted by Twirly View Post
    It's interesting to see that one person's positive can be another person's negative.
    This is very true!

    Examples..... if someone wrote "I didn't like the music, it was mainly RnB", someone else might think... Wow, that's the place for me then!

    Someone might think having a bar is a positive but someone else on a budget, who doesn't drink, might be made up by the fact they can bring their own drink with them

    And yes Lory - you should post a review, it's your duty as forum Queen
    I've done a mini one!
    "If you're going to do something tonight, that you know you'll be sorry for in the morning, plan a lie in." Lorraine

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    Re: Review threads - your opinion?

    I read most reviews of 'big' events where I know folk that went... not that that's really a limitation

    I like the "good/bad/ugly" thing that most folk tend to do - it helps balance the review and force the reviewer to think on positives as well as negatives (or on the flip side suggestions for improvements as well as positives)

    My first weekend of dancing (not even a weekender) was a huge thing for me and left me aching, sore, stiff and unable to stop smiling for a week. I like the fact that the same enthusiasm can be poured into a review and make you feel that by not attending you actually missed out on something you would have enjoyed - kind of basking in the reflected glow to make up for not being able to be there in person.

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    Re: Review threads - your opinion?

    Quote Originally Posted by Twirly View Post
    I do wish that there was some evidence that the organisers came on here and read the reviews, as they could be a really useful feedback mechanism, once any bitching is weeded out.
    I always check out "Who's on line" when I'm on here, which not only tells me who's on (unless they've hidden themselves, like me), but you can see which threads they are reading, so I know for a fact that both Jon and Wes have read the "review" thread and the "Rumour has it" thread because I've seen them on there in the last few days.

    They may not post any more (not surprising given the flak they got during the whole Ceroc take over of Southport drama) but I know they do take on board the comments made and try very hard to improve things next time. Maybe they haven't commented on the Rumour thread because nothing has been finalised yet, I'm sure they'll give us the fact's once they know for themselves exactly what's happening.

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    Re: Review threads - your opinion?

    Quote Originally Posted by Double Trouble View Post
    I always check out "Who's on line" when I'm on here, which not only tells me who's on (unless they've hidden themselves, like me), but you can see which threads they are reading, so I know for a fact that both Jon and Wes have read the "review" thread and the "Rumour has it" thread because I've seen them on there in the last few days.

    They may not post any more (not surprising given the flak they got during the whole Ceroc take over of Southport drama) but I know they do take on board the comments made and try very hard to improve things next time. Maybe they haven't commented on the Rumour thread because nothing has been finalised yet, I'm sure they'll give us the fact's once they know for themselves exactly what's happening.
    I have noticed this myself, to a degree. But I'm not sure that certain other organisers bother. Hence my use of the word "evidence". I think that most people are aware that some organisers are more open to feedback than others.

    I do often wish that venues and events would actively canvas punters opinions. It seems to happen with every other business I encounter these days - be it questionnaires through the post, pop-up questionnaires on websites, etc. asking how their service can be improved. It is only because they want you to spend more money with them, but if they make their product or service more appealing to me, then I'm gaining too.

  12. #12
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    Re: Review threads - your opinion?

    I always read the reviews, I've only been able to make one weekender so far and I've read the reviews so that I can get an idea of what I might expect when I actually get to go to one.

  13. #13
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    Re: Review threads - your opinion?

    Quote Originally Posted by Lory View Post

    In the past, I believe the reviews have sparked off some fantastic discussions and some of those debates have been instrumental in developing a few of the 'better' aspects of how events are now run.
    Maybe one of the 'reasons' is what is really 'new' in a 'review'

    The heating the flooring , I did like the music , I didnt like the music. I like WCS I dont etc

    Its the same 'formula' and now weekenders come around far more often.

    Now having had a look at what Butlins have open up this year, for a smaller weekender this looks good

    The costs dont look that much for taking that over the whole place for a weekend, now that would be something to talk about.

    Decking and sea views

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    Re: Review threads - your opinion?

    It's the reviews, and the who's going where threads which I most often read, particularly reviews for events I've been at, or might attend in future.

    I often feel people won't be interested in my views, as they always relate to a personal experience, and often to an event where I've worked, so I assume people will think I'm biased. Though I do include negatives as well as positives.

    The bits that I'm most interested in relate to the dancing and lessons, that's why we're there after all, so that would include what the venues are like, floors, temperature, music, space, atmosphere. I think a list of who you dance with is too personal and not of general interest. (Yes I have done that in the past.)

    Food comes next, if it's a big event with several restaurants/bars, I'm interested in where I can get a good meal and where to avoid.

    Apart from the factual stuff, it's good to get a general feel for the event, but just saying "I had a fab/lousy time" is not enough, there need to be reasons why.


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    Re: Review threads - your opinion?

    I enjoy writing a review - it's the questionnaire effect, everyone loves the chance to give their opinion - and I even read quite a lot of them too!

    Quote Originally Posted by jive-vee View Post
    My belief is that, on the whole, a weekender is what "you" make of it, noone is there to make your weekend; it's up to you to do that.
    I think that's true, so although it's nice to hear that someone's enjoyed themselves it doesn't really say anything factual about the weekender, likewise if they've had a miserable time. Reviews need to contain at least some objective information as well as what people felt about the event otherwise they're not much use as a guide to deciding to go to the next one.

    I don't hold with the luvvy school for similar reasons, it means nothing to people not directly involved and is pretty boring to read.

    Quote Originally Posted by Emmylou25
    My only concern is that reading amazing events sometimes makes me hype and and overexpect from weekenders etc, which can sometimes mean I'm a little disappointed on certain points.
    Exactly. Apart from personal attitude, as jive-ee points out, the factors that really affect people's experiences at weekenders are things like numbers, male/female ratio, quality of accommodation, price, musical genres played, floors, dance spaces, general atmosphere, facilities, ease of transport, and reviews should contain a lot of stuff about those.

    Other things I like to hear about are who was/ wasn't there, special or funny things that happened, personal responses to the music and light, non-malicious gossip. I would be suspicious of a review that was overwhelmingly positive or negative - life's not like that, there is always a balance!

    I would be put off posting a review (or indeed, anything) if I felt that someone would have a go at me because of what I said and occasionally this has influenced what I put in mine. It's probably not a bad thing to feel obliged to choose words carefully, though.

    Interestingly, one of my main reasons for logging-on to the forum this week is to find out how Skeggie went - so keep the reviews coming!
    Last edited by jivecat; 16th-September-2009 at 04:51 PM.

  16. #16
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    Re: Review threads - your opinion?

    Review's are a precis of your experience of the weekend, if I have a good time I will post a lovie review. Having a big mix of review's gives an overall impression of the weekend.

    When posters are slated on their reviews some of them will stop posting leaving the Forum with less and less reviews and less posts in general.

    Personally I hurt my knee's at the 1st Skeggy due to the appalling floors, and said I would not go back again, nothing from the reviews of Skeggy encourages me to spend money there again. I have choosen my camp, and it is Ceroc, my money will go to the organisor who gives the best weekender's, imho it is Ceroc.

    Last edited by DavidY; 19th-September-2009 at 09:40 AM.

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