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Thread: What is the world coming to??

  1. #1
    Registered User The Little 'un's Avatar
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    What is the world coming to??

    Another little rant on my behalf...

    So I got a new phone...(Samsung Tocco Lite, incase you're interested...)

    It actually has a function called 'Fake Call'
    -This is the first time I have ever heard of this...

    'Fake Call'

    1.You set up a recording of what you want your phone call to say...
    2. You set a timer of 5 seconds to a minute...
    3. Then you press the volume button down on the side of the phone to activate your Fake Call...secretly...

    And in 30 seconds....your phone rings and plays back the message you previously recorded....

    The instructions actually say "To get you out of meetings or awkward situations..."

    So i'm unsure whether to love it or hate it...Either way...I have given my game away and can never use it at or around ceroc folks...

    But am also intrigued to think about how many people use it or would use it on a daily basis...I personally might feel a bit silly....talking to myself on the phone...

    - And you're probably thinking...."Who cares anyway..."


  2. #2
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    Re: What is the world coming to??

    Quote Originally Posted by The Little 'un View Post
    Another little rant on my behalf...

    So I got a new phone...(Samsung Tocco Lite, incase you're interested...)

    It actually has a function called 'Fake Call'
    -This is the first time I have ever heard of this...

    'Fake Call'

    1.You set up a recording of what you want your phone call to say...
    2. You set a timer of 5 seconds to a minute...
    3. Then you press the volume button down on the side of the phone to activate your Fake Call...secretly...

    And in 30 seconds....your phone rings and plays back the message you previously recorded....

    The instructions actually say "To get you out of meetings or awkward situations..."

    So i'm unsure whether to love it or hate it...Either way...I have given my game away and can never use it at or around ceroc folks...

    But am also intrigued to think about how many people use it or would use it on a daily basis...I personally might feel a bit silly....talking to myself on the phone...

    - And you're probably thinking...."Who cares anyway..."

    OK I don't have this but I do confess that I avoid those people on the street that approach you for all sorts of things by lifting my phone to my ear and having a phone call with thin air

  3. #3
    Registered User Poi Boi's Avatar
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    Re: What is the world coming to??

    To me, that feature is just genius!

  4. #4
    Registered User The Little 'un's Avatar
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    Re: What is the world coming to??

    Quote Originally Posted by Agente Secreto View Post
    OK I don't have this but I do confess that I avoid those people on the street that approach you for all sorts of things by lifting my phone to my ear and having a phone call with thin air

    Hahaha, brilliant!! Never thought of doing that, I just get angry with them, but thanks to my 'Fake Call' feature...I can now take part in this.

  5. #5
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    Re: What is the world coming to??

    What would you record?

    "Hello, it's me... so who am I avoiding this time? ... I think nodding and saying 'yes' about now would be good.... and perhaps a 'no'... oh, go on... have I not passed them yet?... Which direction am I going to turn?... what do I see to my right?... and my left?... "

  6. #6
    Papa Smurf
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    Re: What is the world coming to??

    what I would record is something like

    "Hello future me. When i recorded this I did not know what you know. The weather may have changed dramatically in the future. Blustery ? Rain ? oh, and perhaps you now have a cuppuccino? I can currently only dream of a cappuccino - there is no coffee shop near me right now. Have you changed clothes? or bought any ! I can't comprehend the need of any new clothes right now, but I wouldn't dismiss the possiblity that future me has spotted something really cool, which, even as a generally badly dressed man, is irresistable. Unlikely. But hey, you never know. Thats the future for you. Unpredicatable.

    Please don't get any piercings.

    Or tatoos. "

    ...contd for 40 minutes...

  7. #7
    Registered User The Little 'un's Avatar
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    Re: What is the world coming to??

    Quote Originally Posted by Gadget View Post
    What would you record?

    "Hello, it's me... so who am I avoiding this time? ... I think nodding and saying 'yes' about now would be good.... and perhaps a 'no'... oh, go on... have I not passed them yet?... Which direction am I going to turn?... what do I see to my right?... and my left?... "

    Hahaha - I would.

    So no kidding...I was explaining this marvellous feature to my friend...And his first reaction was...

    "That would be really good for Psychiatrists..."

    I said...."What? How??"

    He said - "Because they could set up a fake call....then tell themselves...sorry, I'm with so and so...and hang up...this would make their client feel like a priority...and important..."

    - Think "fake call" has just been taken to a new extreme...

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