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Thread: Permission to steal?

  1. #41
    Registered User kps's Avatar
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    Re: Permission to steal?

    Quote Originally Posted by StokeBloke View Post

    Perhaps it would help if when these 'fun' classes to teach swapping and tagging are run, the teacher could possibly spend... ohhh I don't know... a minute or two to explain the etiquette. Well I say etiquette, but really all we're talking about here is basic common sense and manners isn't it?

    Karen Brooks did this in her tagging class in Romford two weeks ago. Made a big difference and we ended up having the entire floor tagging to one song. I believe she is doing the tag class at camber so hopefully that might get passed on there as well.

  2. #42
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    Re: Permission to steal?

    I did write a tagging workshop a while ago. but it was too big to post on the forum (lots of pictures)... there may still be a few copies floating about somewhere, but since them I lost my data-stick that had it on it (and about 3 years worth of notes & workshop ideas and other stuff ) I fear that it's gone for good.

    Re blues tracks:
    Tagging needs opportunity and an opening for a lead to smoothly take over the lead of a follower - it's much easier to find these opportunities within "blues" dances because they are slower and the leads can be a bit more predictable.

    Re permission:
    There is a certain "style" of dancing that you need to adopt when sharing a partner - it needs to be very open so that you are creating lots of opportunities for the other leads to take over. (and/or you need to 'give' the follower away.) This is almost the opposite of your classic "blues" style of dancing where your focus is {should be} on your partner and it is fairly closed to any outside interference. Anyone dancing like this is not a valid target for tagging: they are engrossed in the dance and their partner, and unlikely to see any 'asking' signal, let alone acknowledge it.

    It also takes a bit of skill to both steal and return a partner - only target leads that you know are capable of it. I would also only target follows who have danced with both partners before - preferably in the same night so you don't deprive them of their sole dance with that person.

    Re: manors
    After a tag dance, every participant should thank each other - and if possible return to the partner they started with to see if they would like to continue in a solo dance for the next track.

    A tag dance should be initiated by mutual agreement from the leads concerned - either before-hand or with a nod & wink on the dance floor. Although it can be initiated by a follower floating off to another lead (but be careful of the lead's precious ego )

    Personally I think it's good fun, but takes some practice to get slick at it.

  3. #43
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    Re: Permission to steal?

    Quote Originally Posted by Martin View Post
    Stealing to me means taking something without consent. Which I do not like.
    In this context, stealing means with consent, but without prior arrangement (or, quite often, any assistance)

    : some nice steals, but also some parts where they do something more akin to tagging.

  4. #44
    Registered User ant's Avatar
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    Re: Permission to steal?

    I was having a wonderful dance with a lovely follower and suddenly, without any idea of what was going on, ended up dancing with DTS. That was my first experience with tagging, horrid.

    I am not a great fan of tagging but based upon this thread there seems to be two types of tagging going on.

    1 Between people that know each other and are known to be happy to tag.
    2 Between leaders with a follower that they have not tagged previously and openly state that part of the fun is the surprise factor they induce in the follower.

    I also know a number of followers that now go round with the aim of trying to surprise the leader.

    Where the people who know each other are concerned obviously no problem.

    Where the aim of the leaders or followers is to surprise the unsuspecting PV, I am can see two sides. The PV enjoys it so everybody wins. The PV does not want to participate. How then does that person stop it before it starts? Or if they go along with the tag and at the end does not like it, how best should the PV make their feelings known?

    Now,I generally always have a dance with DTS when we are at the same venue, so my advise would be to keep an open mind and try to enjoy a tag when it happens.

    I instinctively don't like the idea that people are having fun at another persons expense but hey thats life sometimes and if there is no real harm done what the hell. But where taggers know from previous expedrience the PV does not like to be tagged that persons views should be respected.

    Although I agree that where the two people concerned are dancing in a connected way with each other and there is no sign of an interruption being acceptable, IMO they should not be interrupted.
    Last edited by ant; 23rd-October-2009 at 03:20 AM.

  5. #45
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    Re: Permission to steal?

    Quote Originally Posted by straycat View Post
    In this context, stealing means with consent, but without prior arrangement (or, quite often, any assistance)

    : some nice steals, but also some parts where they do something more akin to tagging.
    Hence I said it may be a terminology thing.

    In this clip, it is clear that an arrangement has been made to tag dance.
    Noone has been stolen (taken from someone without consent), in fact even the follower is fully aware of what is going to happen.

    Some of the transistions you define as "steals" (and I do see what you mean)- which is where the terminology comes in....

    Maybe stealing and tagging are very closely linked, just do not "nick" someone without a nod and a wink.

    Maybe it is "nick dancing" that is not so good

  6. #46
    Registered User Lynn's Avatar
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    Re: Permission to steal?

    Quote Originally Posted by StokeBloke View Post
    I think this is part of the problem Rob. Tag, swap and steal are very different games. As the oxymoron of this thread's title would suggest, you don't ask for permission to steal. If your partner is stolen from you, you need to either shrug and walk away, or steal her back. Because of the minefield of problems with this sort of game, this is usually only played by dancers who know each other very well and/or dance together often.

    Tag on the other hand is an agreed game that often involves leads delivering the follow to each other as they take turns to dance with her. Swap is a similar deal, but with pairs of dancers (or more) swapping follows. The emphasis on ALL three variants should be to do everything as smoothly and seamlessly as possible.
    Useful distinctions. And makes me realise the only times I've been annoyed are when I've been 'stolen' - either because my lead doesn't know how to play and ends up standing looking a bit bewildered at why someone has just taken his partner away - or because I've been in the middle of a lovely blues dance and just don't want to be interrupted

    Swapping between two or more pairs is good fun and I do enjoy that. And when I've had two leads all to myself taking it in turns to dance with me, with smooth and graceful transitions between them - always really lovely!
    Last edited by Lynn; 23rd-October-2009 at 08:18 AM.

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