Originally posted by PUSSYCAT
Hi All

I like the new ' paperwork' the new beginners are getting.
The little booklet that gives a list of the moves is great!!
I wish I'd had it when I started,any chance of something similar for intermediate...I know there are a lot more moves but it is worth asking.!?!
Hi PussyCat (Miaooow )

Welcome to the forum.
The new booklet for Beginners is a recent development, and I hope will help new Cerocers on their way... It was one of the most requested things for a long time.

As for an Intermediate version, with 500 moves, I think it unlikely... You still have the option of checking out the little book of moves that is filled out every week by the teacher and shows all the routines taught since records began
Just ask your friendly Venue Manager for a quick peek, and if a move does not ring a bell, ask you friendly teacher for a quick reminder!

I hope this helps.
