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Thread: Camber Storm 2011 Aftermath

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    Basically lazy robd's Avatar
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    Camber Storm 2011 Aftermath

    I know the aftermath threads seem much less popular and populated than they used to be but I still like 'em so here goes.

    I last went to Camber for VLV last year and like that trip this one was a last minute decision based on a

    Quote Originally Posted by robd View Post
    combination of a free weekend, a cheap wristband and the offer of a sofa bed from a friend
    I am surprised that a little more wasn't made of this being the 5th anniversary of (what I believe was) the first Ceroc weekender but maybe Mike and co didn't think that was any biggy.

    I said after my last visit that

    Quote Originally Posted by robd View Post
    I've always seen Camber as the poor relation to Southport (both pre and post JA) and my overriding impression throughout the weekend was 'It's not Southport'
    and I think the biggest compliment I can give this weekend is that I wasn't making the same mental comparison.

    I also noted that

    Quote Originally Posted by robd View Post
    I had some excellent dances on each night I was there. No real grumbles with the music (though no particular highlights either excepting a nod to Ginuwine being played on a post footy STDJ slot - oh and 'I like to move it' (Madagascar) was fun in the main room)
    and this time was much the same though Ginuwine got played in the main room (and I was very lucky to be dancing with Angelique for that song as it's classic WCS material IMO) and we got Big 'n' Chunky from Madagascar instead of ILTMI.

    What was not the same was

    Quote Originally Posted by robd View Post
    It was warm in the venues but I never felt overheated, even upstairs so the fans were doing their job and water was always readily and easily available.
    I felt overheated pretty much every night both upstairs and down and I was constantly sweating like a paedo in the playground I went back to the chalet each night for a shower and complete clothing change - just a fresh shirt & deoderant squirt would have been like sticking a band-aid on a severed limb I know it's a bitch of a place to keep cool with that many people dancing but, man, it was uncomfortable at times.

    The chalet I was in was clean(ish) and warm(ish) and close(ish) so no real grumbles there. I had dances that were every bit as good as any weekender I have been on past or present, people who think the quality level at Ceroc weekenders is substandard are clearly asking the wrong people Was good to dance with Jamie again too, still on a different level as a male follow IMO. The pub is still too crowded for comfortable dancing but that's just an excuse to do more B'n'G and I even danced a couple of Swingers Hour tracks - never thought I'd see that day. Definitely the best Camber I have been to and VLV is looking quite tempting now.

  2. #2
    Forum Bombshell - Our Queen! Lory's Avatar
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    Re: Camber Storm 2011 Aftermath

    I had a fabulous weekend from start to finish..

    From the company I spent time with, to the atmosphere in the blues room and pub, the music and my dances, plus I felt very 'well' in myself, plus the chalet was probably the best i've been to (for Pontins) and near!

    The Return of the Porn Stars came second in the quiz again

    But one thing I'd like to take up with whoever does the scheduling of the weekend....
    On Saturday afternoon, SilverFox was playing an absolutely blinding s'funk set in the Bluesroom and the place was banging, I estimate there was about 300 people dancing and loving it.
    Then at 5pm on the dot, the music had to stop, as a class was about to start. Everyone moaned.
    I heard reports that the class had less than half the amount of people who were in the freestyle? (I didn't see this with my own eyes but people told me)
    As a result, the pub was heaving and VERY hot, tot he point, the sweat running off the walls, got into the electrics and the music crashed!

    IMO Camber would be improved so much if the afternoon classes in the Blues room were stopped!
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    Re: Camber Storm 2011 Aftermath

    VLV is looking tempting. I had a really good weekend.

  4. #4
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    Re: Camber Storm 2011 Aftermath

    Glad to see the encouraging reviews. I haven't been to Camber for several years but a combination of missing Feb SP due to illness and a (non dance) friend's wedding clashing with May, I've booked for VLV instead Sounds like it was a decent move.

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    Re: Camber Storm 2011 Aftermath

    Like RobD, I really enjoy the aftermath threads but for myself I feel I am now just starting to sound like a recurring record because so much is the same.

    I did not feel particularly excited about this one, for no real reason. When we got there we went to the pub but there was nothing much going and I thought, this weekend is just going to be a disappointment but thankfully I was wrong it turned out to be yet another fun weekend. Some great music in the chill out room – I’ve noticed that the music has got a lot more up beat, which was not a bad thing as it kept me energise throughout the night.

    Making it to the milonga and actually doing some tango.
    Afternoon dancing, I love it because it’s so decadent.
    Chatting and socialising in the Boudoir/pub interspersed with dancing
    Coming second in the quiz (porn stars).
    Lory making me up in the pub because I looked like a ghost through lack of sleep!

    Not so good:
    Reiterating what Lory has already said. Having a great time free styling in the afternoon, floor packed. Then it all comes to an abrupt end for a lesson. Sunday afternoon dancing is particularly popular as a lot of people leave early evening to go home on a Sunday. Surely a few lessons can be sacrificed as there seems to be more people that want to dance than take part in lessons on a Sunday afternoon. The Pub/boudoir is not big enough to accommodate everyone and becomes to crowded to dance properly and then effects the electrics (this is not the first time this has happened. I know that Ceroc has to please everyone but it would be good if they could rethink this part of the programme.

    Having noisy neighbours that would not let me sleep. I felt like they were in the chalet with me.

    The heat on Friday and Saturday in the main rooms just awful felt like you were entering a sauna.

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    Re: Camber Storm 2011 Aftermath

    Didn't enjoy this camber as much as others. Had great chalet mates and was all geared up for it, but apart from an hour or so on Saturday night, my dancing just felt off for the weekend. Did a couple of classes and Mr Sant has enough energy to power the sun, while Tony and Hayles are always putting a smile on your face.

    Chalet was good (in relative terms) and some of the music was great, more of a fault with myself than anything else.

    So overall a bit of a letdown for me, but not because of Ceroc, just don't think I was there in my head more than anything.

    On a separate note, despite his protestations, Gerry doing WCS looked really nice and smooth, with lots of smiling ladies.

  7. #7
    Forum Bombshell - Our Queen! Lory's Avatar
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    Re: Camber Storm 2011 Aftermath

    Quote Originally Posted by rtwwpad View Post
    Didn't enjoy this camber as much as others.
    I hardly saw you, were you mainly upstairs
    "If you're going to do something tonight, that you know you'll be sorry for in the morning, plan a lie in." Lorraine

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    Re: Camber Storm 2011 Aftermath

    Probably half and half this time. Which reminds me need to go and watch that spanish video

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    Re: Camber Storm 2011 Aftermath

    Quote Originally Posted by rtwwpad View Post
    On a separate note, despite his protestations, Gerry doing WCS looked really nice and smooth, with lots of smiling ladies.
    Your only saying that because I made a very flattering comment to you.

    Keep the good work up

  10. #10
    Formerly known as DavidJames David Bailey's Avatar
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    Re: Camber Storm 2011 Aftermath

    Quote Originally Posted by Maxine View Post
    Making it to the milonga and actually doing some tango.
    I thought you just came in to nick our coffee?

    Quote Originally Posted by Maxine View Post
    Not so good:
    Reiterating what Lory has already said. Having a great time free styling in the afternoon, floor packed. Then it all comes to an abrupt end for a lesson. Sunday afternoon dancing is particularly popular as a lot of people leave early evening to go home on a Sunday. Surely a few lessons can be sacrificed as there seems to be more people that want to dance than take part in lessons on a Sunday afternoon. The Pub/boudoir is not big enough to accommodate everyone and becomes to crowded to dance properly and then effects the electrics (this is not the first time this has happened. I know that Ceroc has to please everyone but it would be good if they could rethink this part of the programme.
    Yeah, I know what you mean - the daytime freestyling opportunities were limited, that's one of the things that sets SP apart I think. The pub floor is tiny, it's not a good substitute.

    So I'd also vote for a few less classes and a bit more availability for daytime freestyling - in the Blues Room I guess. Ideally, it'd be great to have music and dancing available all through the day.

    Quote Originally Posted by Maxine View Post
    The heat on Friday and Saturday in the main rooms just awful felt like you were entering a sauna.
    Fortunately, being a snoot I didn't dance in there.

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    Re: Camber Storm 2011 Aftermath

    The Bad

    Poor Floor craft in the bouncy room

    The Very Bad

    The overall humidity / heat in all the dance halls / pub

    The Really, Really Bad

    Being kicked out of the COZ room when Vince was playing a great set to a packed crowd due to a workshop which was poorly attended.

    The Really, Really, Really Bad

    Warren playing a hum dinger of an Urban Classics set, the sound system crashed because of the humidity changing into water which blew the sockets. Camber really does need to sort out some more sockets and some sort of Air conditioning.

    The music in the main room was typical Ceroc, no complaints there.

    The music in the COZ room I felt was to a very high standard.

    The sets that really made my day were by John Baker, Gary Taylor and Vince.

    The set by Warren in the Boudoir reminded me of the small room at Caister, banging bass, low ceiling, fantastic atmosphere created by the music which the crowd was really enjoying. This brought back so many great memories. Big ups to Warren.

    The downer was that I had to follow him while doing a Sack the DJ set, I ended up thoroughly enjoyed myself.

    All in all a real fun weekend, not sure that I would want to VLV as it could just be to hot with such poor air conditioning at Camber

  12. #12
    Formerly known as DavidJames David Bailey's Avatar
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    Re: Camber Storm 2011 Aftermath

    Anyway, my quick review:

    The good:
    • The lovely Twirly as a chalet mate, who enthusiastically provided me with cooked breakfasts and gorgeous dinners.
    • The weather, encouraging me to (finally) go out for a walk outside the venue, leading to finally going to the gorgeous beach - I never knew it was so nice there.
    • The classes, which I'll write-up more fully on my site's review.
    • Our chalet, which was about as close as it's possible to get to the venue, but which still wasn't too noisy
    • The lovely Bettina as travelling companion, who kept me awake for the drive back. By talking.
    • Dancing on the Sunday night, both in the milonga and the Blues Room.
    • Actually drinking. Alcohol. Yay...

    The not-so-good:
    • Seagulls chorusing at dawn (also, have they grown recently? They look like monster birds now... )
    • Getting back to my chalet at 6am on Monday morning - or rather, having to get up at 9am that morning.
    • The atmosphere on Friday nights - I sometimes wonder if it's worth dancing freestyle at all on those nights, everyone seems to be so uptight.
    • The scary, manic, hot main room.
    • The ... aroma... in our chalet, which required constant use of "Oust", incense, and of course the smell of cooking to combat.
    • The floor in the Hurrican shelter; in fact, the Hurricane Shelter in general - cold, echo-y, not great overall.

  13. #13
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    Re: Camber Storm 2011 Aftermath

    Quote Originally Posted by Gerry View Post
    Gary Taylor....
    Or Garry Turner even...

  14. #14
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    Re: Camber Storm 2011 Aftermath

    Music in both the COZ & Milonga superb, - place was chocablock with lovely people, - club chalet was fine. My only small wish was that there was a WCS class or two, but didnt matter too much as there was plenty of westies to freestyle with. Tango masterclass with Marc & Rachel was really good

    Another fantastic weekend, - still buzzing from the memories!

  15. #15
    Formerly known as DavidJames David Bailey's Avatar
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    Re: Camber Storm 2011 Aftermath

    Quote Originally Posted by Phil_dB View Post
    Music in both the COZ & Milonga superb, - place was chocablock with lovely people, - club chalet was fine. My only small wish was that there was a WCS class or two
    Yes, funny that there was nothing on WCS - in fact, not much in the way of AT classes either, although the one group class Marc and Rachel did, packed-out the main room. And the 11:30pm recap class was busy also, so there's presumably enough interest for it.

    I'd imagine WCS would also be popular if it was offered.

    Mike (Ellard) made some noises about Southport being The Tango One, but I can't see it really, if only because the (ex-)Latin Room is just too big for a decent milonga. You'd need at least 150 people dancing there to make that room feel good, atmosphere-wise, and I can't see there being that much demand.

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    Re: Camber Storm 2011 Aftermath

    Seems like an age since the last weekender which was Breeze back in October and had an absolutely fabulous time.

    It was lovely to be able to have such a variety of dances....Ceroc, Blues, Tango and a chance to practice my WCS thank you Phil dB for your patience on that one

    The masterclass run by Marc and Rachel was excellent. They seem to have the right formula of teaching, explaining and executing the moves in just the right way.

    I particularly enjoyed the Milonga on the Sunday night. I was intending to stay for an hour or so, but the atmosphere and the mood was wonderful and stayed for the whole session! Had some really nice dances, as always with DB, Marc and Warren, it was lovely to meet and dance with Blind Dynamo....and Phil dB well it goes without saying fabulous, you have taken to Tango like a duck to water!

    Missed Sunnybunny's soups and Maxines seafood pasta but Bettina's culinary delights with Jerk Chicken made up for it......we nearly burnt down the chalet with an igniting sausage but we surivived!

    All in all a fabulous weekend, lots of good memories. Haven't planned out weekenders for the rest of the year yet but VLV seems very tempting.....

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    Re: Camber Storm 2011 Aftermath

    Quote Originally Posted by David Bailey View Post
    Mike (Ellard) made some noises about Southport being The Tango One, but I can't see it really, if only because the (ex-)Latin Room is just too big for a decent milonga. You'd need at least 150 people dancing there to make that room feel good, atmosphere-wise, and I can't see there being that much demand.
    I don’t think I’m normally easily intimidated but I did feel the tango room/milonga at Southport intimidating and unwelcoming. I don’t know how you can change that and make all levels of dancers feel like attending. If they could then you might get your required numbers to make the atmosphere right

  18. #18
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    Re: Camber Storm 2011 Aftermath

    The Good
    Practising tango and getting lots of tuition, particularly from David. Am hoping that I made some progress over the weekend. I love the milonga’s at the Ceroc weekends – I don’t feel that I’m good enough to go to a “real” one yet, but because most dancers at the Ceroc weekender ones are friendly and helpful I don’t feel intimidated. Particularly when I make a mess of it. The milonga on Sunday night was particularly good – that was the bit I enjoyed the most out of the entire weekend.

    Feeding people (another hobby of mine). Particularly watching Rachel’s face as Marc virtually inhaled the cake… although apparently “he doesn’t normally eat cake”

    Good company (thanks for allowing me to share with you David) and meeting some new people.

    Finally getting to do the tango masterclass as NickC had kindly agreed to be fixed partners with me (and thank you for your patience in the milonga’s too).

    The Bad
    Feeling tired all weekend. Not exactly sure why – I’m not working at the moment, so I have no excuse. But I felt distinctly lacklustre, and my dancing reflected this. Makes it particularly hard to get up and ask for dances.

    My back going into spasm in the breaks class Sunday afternoon. Luckily, Nick was my partner in the next class, so he did a spot of emergency massage beforehand. Useful man to have around!

    Mr Bailey offering to bring mugs – and forgetting! Had to drink my tea out of the Pontins thimbles… till DB bought me a mug on Sunday night -complete with rhinestones

    The dancefloor in the Hurricane Shelter, truly appalling. Why can’t some temporary dancefloor be laid in there?

    Some of my favourite dancers being absent, again.

    The Ugly
    My poor feet. Much as I’m enjoying the tango, I do wonder if it’s a good idea sometimes. Luckily, the chalet had an icebox in the fridge, so was able to use my freezer blocks to ice my feet at night, otherwise I’m not sure I’d have been dancing on the Sunday.

    The smell in the chalet. Luckily DB had aired it out a bit before I got there. Henceforth, air fresheners and incense will be on my list of weekender essentials!

    The just plain odd
    A couple of people turning up on Saturday morning looking for a massage… I know I’m supposed to be setting up my own aromatherapy business, but I’m doing it in my own time! Felt a bit sorry for the first one – I’d only just got out of bed and she got somewhat short shrift…

    The mystery of the missing hairdryer. I know I packed it, but it’s never been seen again…

    Overall I’d say I had a nice weekend. It wasn’t outstanding, but I’ve had better times and I’ve had times that were a lot worse. I’m glad I went.

    Totally agree about the need for more freestyle time during the day too. I’ve noticed that this has been increasing in popularity over the last couple of years, so there is clearly the demand. Maybe it could be started a little later, and there be no classes at all in there afterwards, but flow through to the evening? There were three classes in there after freestyle on Sunday – cut one (or move it to earlier in the day in the Hurricane Shelter) and make the others a bit earlier. Shouldn’t be that disruptive.

    Very much looking forward to Southport in May, though not so sure about VLV as they’re relatively close together.

  19. #19
    Formerly known as DavidJames David Bailey's Avatar
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    Re: Camber Storm 2011 Aftermath

    Quote Originally Posted by Maxine View Post
    I don’t think I’m normally easily intimidated but I did feel the tango room/milonga at Southport intimidating and unwelcoming. I don’t know how you can change that and make all levels of dancers feel like attending. If they could then you might get your required numbers to make the atmosphere right
    Looking at the last Scorch aftermath thread (summer 2010), there's not a lot of comments about the Latin room - there was something from Andy Razzle about women hanging around the doors but that's it... what was it like?

    It's a tricky one really. The Camber milonga room was a nice size, and hopefully not too intimidating for people.

    One thing I noticed at the (Camber) milongas was that there was a mixture of tandas, with Nuevo being treated as a style (along with Milonga, Vals and trad). For me, I'd have preferred a longer set for both, as I had to keep chopping and changing my embrace and style when the style changed. So maybe an hour of Nuevo and an hour of Traditional would be a possible mix?

    (That said, "what I'd like" <> "what everyone likes" of course)

  20. #20
    Formerly known as DavidJames David Bailey's Avatar
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    Re: Camber Storm 2011 Aftermath

    Quote Originally Posted by Twirly View Post
    Good company (thanks for allowing me to share with you David)
    It was tough having to suffer eating three cooked breakfasts, but I'm a saint that way

    Quote Originally Posted by Twirly View Post
    Mr Bailey offering to bring mugs – and forgetting! Had to drink my tea out of the Pontins thimbles… till DB bought me a mug on Sunday night -complete with rhinestones
    All class, that's me.

    Quote Originally Posted by Twirly View Post
    The dancefloor in the Hurricane Shelter, truly appalling. Why can’t some temporary dancefloor be laid in there?
    Yeah, it's a dump. And the walls make the whole place echo-y as hell. Apart from that...

    Quote Originally Posted by Twirly View Post
    The mystery of the missing hairdryer. I know I packed it, but it’s never been seen again…
    It's only a proper weekender if you misplace something. I managed to leave my entire shoe bag at someone's chalet.

    Not to mention that I still have a very fetching pink rug thing, and most of a bottle of vodka, in the boot of my car.

    Quote Originally Posted by Twirly View Post
    Totally agree about the need for more freestyle time during the day too. I’ve noticed that this has been increasing in popularity over the last couple of years, so there is clearly the demand. Maybe it could be started a little later, and there be no classes at all in there afterwards, but flow through to the evening? There were three classes in there after freestyle on Sunday – cut one (or move it to earlier in the day in the Hurricane Shelter) and make the others a bit earlier. Shouldn’t be that disruptive.
    For that matter, there were only 2 classes after 2pm on the Saturday also, ("One Track Mind" and "Tornado"). So maybe a 3pm start, going through to the evening, would be possible.

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