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Thread: Storm Aftermath

  1. #21
    B.O.G.O.F. fletch's Avatar
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    Re: Storm Aftermath

    Quote Originally Posted by Twirly View Post
    Unfortunately, I couldn’t find anyone I knew during the day on Saturday, so largely moped about feeling sorry for myself, Here’s hoping that

    Twirly why didn't you come and grab me on Friday, you know I pair people up with the same interests

    You could have helped us in the pub at the quiz we won Saturday

  2. #22
    Registered User martingold's Avatar
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    Re: Storm Aftermath

    Quote Originally Posted by fletch View Post

    MartinGold wonderful to get to meet you and your lovely partner.
    We really enjoyed meeting you as well

    Quote Originally Posted by fletch View Post
    Lorry for doing my 'wig' on Saturday it stopped in all night.
    it was a wig???

    Quote Originally Posted by fletch View Post
    Is it me?

    There has always been a level of drinking at a weekender, because of the sheer fact you don't need to drive and it goes on much later, but on the whole its manageable, however this weekend there were a number of insedents that took this to another level as far as i'm concerned.
    i must admit we didnt see any drink related incidents yet spent most of our time in the main room albeit on the other side from the bar

    Quote Originally Posted by fletch View Post
    the guy I was dancing with said to me the following day, I was really scared for you,
    Didnt he step in and support you?
    Quote Originally Posted by fletch View Post
    Funny how alcohol makes you brave, they weren't so brave the next lunch time when I discussed the matter in the ladies loo's

    looking good girls, hangover's real suit you.

    Quote Originally Posted by fletch View Post
    ending on a high

    My biggest high light of the weekend was Caz's pole dancing, she looked fab.

    Make Forster, my funniest moment, you pole dancing, falling and Rachel grabbing her glass of wine.
    awwwww i always miss the best bits

  3. #23
    Registered User Twirly's Avatar
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    Re: Storm Aftermath

    Quote Originally Posted by fletch View Post
    Twirly why didn't you come and grab me on Friday, you know I pair people up with the same interests

    You could have helped us in the pub at the quiz we won Saturday
    Didn't think of it, and when I did see you (can't remember when) you seemed really busy, and I hate being a bother...

    Trouble is, when you find yourself on a downward spiral, it's sometimes hard to do anything to get out of it. And there's no worse place to be lonely than in a crowd (particularly one that's having fun!)

    But should I ever find myself in that position again, I'll come and find you.

    I'm beginning to think that Camber is fated for me though. Last time I had two chalet mates cancel on me (though ill health I hasten to add!) before I found a third. Am playing safe for Southport... have two chalet mates, so even if one of them gets sick, I've still got one in reserve!

  4. #24
    Registered User martingold's Avatar
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    Re: Storm Aftermath

    Quote Originally Posted by Twirly View Post
    I hate being a bother...

    Trouble is, when you find yourself on a downward spiral, it's sometimes hard to do anything to get out of it. And there's no worse place to be lonely than in a crowd (particularly one that's having fun!)

    But should I ever find myself in that position again, I'll come and find you.
    or barbs and myself we seem to know a lot of people as well and you would never be a bother

  5. #25
    B.O.G.O.F. fletch's Avatar
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    Re: Storm Aftermath

    Quote Originally Posted by martingold View Post
    Didnt he step in and support you?

    No it was him I was botherd about, he's elderly, and has a twisted spine.

    I think he was in a state of shock not everyone can handle confrontation, thats why he said I should have just egnored it.

    Yeah right!

    just about timing, 'the gobby' one ran out the loo's leaving her mate, with friends like that.

    she said she hadn't come away for an argument, funny I thought she had, but then again, she didn't remember who I was till I reminded her..........that'll be the drink again.

    Quote Originally Posted by Twirly View Post
    Didn't think of it, and when I did see you (can't remember when) you seemed really busy, and I hate being a bother...

    Trouble is, when you find yourself on a downward spiral, it's sometimes hard to do anything to get out of it. And there's no worse place to be lonely than in a crowd (particularly one that's having fun!)

    But should I ever find myself in that position again, I'll come and find you.
    i'm always realy busy, but not to busy to help I spread myself thinly sometimes, but I try my best.

  6. #26
    Registered User Lynn's Avatar
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    Re: Storm Aftermath

    Quote Originally Posted by Twirly View Post
    Didn't think of it, and when I did see you (can't remember when) you seemed really busy, and I hate being a bother...

    Trouble is, when you find yourself on a downward spiral, it's sometimes hard to do anything to get out of it. And there's no worse place to be lonely than in a crowd (particularly one that's having fun!)

    But should I ever find myself in that position again, I'll come and find you.
    Or come and find me. I know exactly what you mean. I've sat at weekenders surrounded by crowds and feeling lonely. And seeing everyone else having a lot of fun... lots of people experience this at some point on a weekender.

    It does make a difference having some people around to ask for a hug (CJ and KT are excellent at this!) chat to, dance with etc. The thing is to not give in to the downward spiral, go and look for someone else who looks equally lonely and go and cheer them up! I know in your case you couldn't just go off to the main room and find some nervous beginners who were feeling like they didn't know anyone as you had to be careful with your ankle.

    My downfall is not telling anyone I feel a bit down instead of just saying 'I need a hug' cos I know that a hug will make me feel a lot better very quickly! Or a really good dance.

    (And you wouldn't be a bother to Fletch, she always has time for people. )

  7. #27
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    Re: Storm Aftermath

    Myself and Lucille plus a couple of dance friends we were with had a fantastic time over the whole weekend.

    Franck - Lucille just adored the dances you had with her and many thanks for a great masterclass on connection etc.

    Fletch - good to see you again. I hope the faith was restored come Saturday night after you telling me on Friday that you had a few bad dances.

    Martin - Nice to meet you too.

    Overall, a great weekend but Lucille wonders why when all the guys/girls waiting for a dance on the sidelines that firstly...they encroach onto the dancefloor itself and secondly...they just stand there like lemons instead of moving or practising steps. She says that would never be seen at a salsa event and if you are dancing by yourself on the sidelines it shows that you are ready to dance.

  8. #28
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    Re: Storm Aftermath

    Quote Originally Posted by Rocky View Post
    Sweat - by Poppa Chubby
    Rocky / SilverFox
    Just thought I would like to say I really loved a new track that one of you guys played in your Utopia set

    Naughty Girl - Cool Million (Featuring Lena Riebau)

    Awesome WCS track, funnily enough I had just bought some compilations that I was listening to on my journey to Camber and this was one of the stand out tracks.

  9. #29
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    Re: Storm Aftermath

    Quote Originally Posted by jemessex View Post
    Overall, a great weekend but Lucille wonders why when all the guys/girls waiting for a dance on the sidelines that firstly...they encroach onto the dancefloor itself and secondly...they just stand there like lemons instead of moving or practising steps. She says that would never be seen at a salsa event and if you are dancing by yourself on the sidelines it shows that you are ready to dance.
    So what do you do if you want to just watch? Say if I do finally ever make it to a weekender (and the boiler company gets a phone call from hell complaining of icicles) and I go to the blues room and think "erm... how do you do that?!" and want to just see what actually goes on... before running away back to where I can do MJ...

  10. #30
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    Re: Storm Aftermath

    Quote Originally Posted by CheesyRobMan View Post
    So what do you do if you want to just watch? Say if I do finally ever make it to a weekender (and the boiler company gets a phone call from hell complaining of icicles) and I go to the blues room and think "erm... how do you do that?!" and want to just see what actually goes on... before running away back to where I can do MJ...
    you sit in the chairs or stand away
    OFF the dance floor...pretty simple really

  11. #31
    B.O.G.O.F. fletch's Avatar
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    Re: Storm Aftermath

    Quote Originally Posted by Lynn View Post

    (And you wouldn't be a bother to Fletch, she always has time for people. )
    Thank you, I worry some times that i'v missed some one or just not spotting the sign when help is needed cos i'm 'flitting' about.

    Quote Originally Posted by jemessex View Post
    Fletch - good to see you again. I hope the faith was restored come Saturday night after you telling me on Friday that you had a few bad dances.

    I expect it on Friday's, every one is a bit hyper, including me

    Quote Originally Posted by Gerry View Post

    Awesome WCS track, funnily enough I had just bought some compilations that I was listening to on my journey to Camber and this was one of the stand out tracks.
    did you WCS to it or just jive

  12. #32
    Taxi Dancer Shea's Avatar
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    Re: Storm Aftermath

    Well, that was my first visit to Camber and I really enjoyed it – one of my favourite weekenders so far!

    After travelling all day I had a really chilled night in the blues room on Friday and was surprised to have plenty of dances to keep me occupied all night even though I didn't know too many people. I guess the gender balance must have been working well!

    Sat I spent sleeping, shopping (what, more dance shoes! ) and relaxing to the sack the DJ slots in the Boudoir. In the evening I ventured up to the main dance hall. I don’t usually stay long in the main room but the music was so good this time it kept me there till the end. Then back to the blues room to finish.

    Decided I’d better get to a few classes on Sunday but by early evening I was back in chilled mode again and had some lovely dances to Rachel’s set in the blues room. It was quiet but great tunes! Then more relaxing in the Boudoir - my general theme for the weekend!

    I was less relaxed on Monday morn though when I had to face the prospect of flying back to Inverness in the stormy weather. I don’t like flying much but I was so sleep deprived that I couldn’t keep my eyes open so missed most of the bumpy bits.

    Thanks to Twirly for the lift down. I’m glad you got back safe with your missing wing mirror. It’s a pity our timetables didn’t match up more over the weekend.

    So, a fab weekend with a really friendly atmosphere. It was great to meet some new forumites and thanks for all the lovely dances.

  13. #33
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    Re: Storm Aftermath

    Oh Hum, I suppose when you select your teaching talent from a subset of what's nationally available, from time to time you may come a cropper under certain circumstances. It seemed to happen at Storm. NO WEST COAST SWING CLASSES. Insane.

    I also noticed some heavy duty drinking going on, in particular one girl making her unsteady and unstable way across the small upstairs dance floor with a full drink in each hand splashing copious amounts between the dancers. I don't think it spoiled anyone's evening, but I hope it doesn't get worse in future weekenders and they keep this kind of thing under control.

    Friday night in the main room was unbelievably hot, and very crowded. Just too many people. It was very unpleasant at times and ended up mostly downstairs where the music was too metronomic for my taste. So Fri night was a bit wasted till it thinned out. Sat night upstairs was brill, music was superb. Sunday I wasn't too impressed with the upstairs music, way too much overplayed crap with little variation.

    All in all, a great weekend as usual and really enjoyed most of the dancing, but IMO Ceroc have done better in the past and IMO they dropped the ball a bit this time. Not good when it co-insided with the prices for the cheapest rooms doubling in price!!!

  14. #34
    B.O.G.O.F. fletch's Avatar
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    Re: Storm Aftermath

    Highlights from Joe

    dancing with Lorry

    dancing with Woodface, sorry hun you will always be that to us

    doing double, no triple, no ho heck how may was it ? with Trampy

    doing the caberet with Emily

    Ruby and Lucky

    and beening there in the 1st place

    Maddies to follow

  15. #35
    Ceroc Teacher
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    Re: Storm Aftermath

    I don't usually have time to play on the forum but I am on such a downer after a rubbish day at work after my best weekender ever I just had to say something.

    My comments:

    -The weekend was amazing, the dancing was truly special and I was whisked off my feet in both the main and the blues rooms.
    -I didn't make it to any of the workshops as I needed to sleep in the day so I cannot comment on any of those.
    -Ok, so the dance rooms were hot and the floor was slippy, but I saw this as an opportunity - less clothes and a lot of fun!!!!
    -The chalets were freezing, even with the heating on full blast!
    -The pole dancing gave me, Bex and Jo matching bruises on our right knees
    -My best dances were with Mark K , Tom B, Chris B, Alex F , Dave, Bradders, Eva (!), Richard O and others I am trying to track down through dance friends face book pages!
    -Slush puppies and double vodka are not recommended.... Along with a Vindaloo at the start of the evening!
    -Attempting to breakdance behind the stage was not a good idea with exposed skin!
    -I know I am blonde but I cant be the only one to find the chalet numbering confusing!

    Bring on VLV!

  16. #36
    Registered User ChrisU's Avatar
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    Re: Storm Aftermath

    Quote Originally Posted by fletch View Post

    Maddies to follow
    Hi Fletch

    Did u get any Northern played this time

    Couldn't make it this time but listed for the next one

    Chris U

  17. #37
    B.O.G.O.F. fletch's Avatar
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    Re: Storm Aftermath

    Quote Originally Posted by She Ra View Post
    -I know I am blonde but I cant be the only one to find the chalet numbering confusing!

    Bring on VLV!
    VLV posh frocks

    the numbering is mad, I didn't have a problem this time but only cos I was by the shop, nothing to do with findint the numbers

    Quote Originally Posted by ChrisU View Post
    Hi Fletch

    Did u get any Northern played this time

    Couldn't make it this time but listed for the next one

    Chris U

    I had the 'Snake' a few times, could have done with a bit more Chris see you at VLV

  18. #38
    Registered User nebula's Avatar
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    Re: Storm Aftermath

    Storm has never yet disappointed me, as much as Swish has. Fab weekend.
    Workshops were very well balanced, and no confusion with rotating ladies this time around - even though we had, like, 17 spare ladies at some point. Loved the tag - although the partner wasn't up to speed a few times - and then I kept missing something or other, too!
    Cabaret - 3 hours worth of rehearsing over in 2 mins - what a laugh. I kept blaming myself for cocking it up, but then thought - hey, the 1st part I was doing as a leader (until my partner sprained her foot on saturday night), so come sunday, I had to switch to being a proper "lady" - so, in effect, only having 2 hours worth of rehearsing. Loved emma's last act of defiance - though I am sure the wig ending down on the floor was unintentional!
    Freestyles - fantastic all over! Spent most of my time in the blues room, but did venture upstairs for adrenaline shots. Friday night couldn't bear it in main room - too hot and sweaty. Saturday much better - and Elliot was there - GOD, I love him!!! Thanks M, for offering to have my babies - though I do hope we won't be doing it on right there the dance floor next time!
    Being asked for dances much more often then before - I think I am getting recognised slowly (as I don't look like your typical dancer, really - not being tall, or thin! )
    Thanks to everybody who made this weekend such a good experience - yet again, with all your lovely comments, and lovelier dances.
    And finally, thanks to my room mate, who made travelling and sharing easier (and made sure I didn't fall asleep on the way back - 4 hours of driving in heavy rain and spray was very tiring)
    Weather - but of course!
    A question - how do you politely get away from the man, who keeps trying to break your pubic bone? I had an awful dance with a guy, who was trying to sit me down on his leg, literally grinding it in between mine. It was PAINFUL! Pulling away didn't help, pulling up neither - he just kept yanking me back. I should have just stopped him and walked away, but as I asked him to dance, I couldn't quite bring myself to do that.
    Cold chalets (even though some kind soul has left us something like £10 worth of electricity, with heaters on full blast it still felt cold)
    That's it - everything else was FANTASTIC!!!!

  19. #39
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    Re: Storm Aftermath

    Quote Originally Posted by TA Guy View Post
    Friday night in the main room was unbelievably hot,
    Isnt this something to do with the 'fans' not having time to do their stuff ? Another thread/response

    Always seems to a be a problem in that room for years and always seems to be worse on the friday

    Maybe a whip round for an extra fan ??

    I assume the gender balance worked well as only had one comment so suggest it did ?

  20. #40
    Omnipotent Moderator Tiggerbabe's Avatar
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    Re: Storm Aftermath

    What a great weekend.

    A fab Friday, don't think I asked for one dance, and I was on the floor nearly all night, brilliant! One of the first tracks I danced to was "Marvin & Miles" - can life get much better?

    Saturday day seemed to fly past but 'twas a lot of fun!
    I had great dances upstairs at night, but gave up after the Spicey one got me too hot Had a blast in the Blues Room after that, even got to dance with DJ.

    Thanks to Limpy Tink for the after-dancing toasted Hot Cross Buns - just heavenly and to Lory for the entertainment

    As ever Sunday was my favourite day, didn't venture upstairs again, as it was sooo chilled downstairs and I was having great dances with "guys who's names I don't know, so can't thank them here"

    Thanks to Andy Martin, though, for that dance

    I'd forgotten about the restaurant at Camber, decent hot food and the wine was good too

    Bad bits -
    Didn't get to dance with Gerry, The Librarian or Under Par on Sunday.
    Never made it to the Boudoir.
    I need a bigger suitcase
    "If you rebel against high heels, take care to do so in a very smart hat.'' George Bernard Shaw

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